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 Milk Cow Kitchen parlor stool

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 1:47:04 PM
Revamping an old stool Colton made when a boy. I couldn't throw it out. The wood looked terrible but it's sturdy and it just needs some milk cow kitchen colors. Put on some new casters and it will work. :)
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
farmlife Posted - Sep 16 2015 : 08:05:56 AM
Couldn't have said it better myself, Ron!
Ron Posted - Sep 16 2015 : 06:20:29 AM
Heck Janet can't think of much you don't dabble in and you do it well...talented? Uh yeah...humble..yeah.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 16 2015 : 04:21:59 AM
Thank you. You are kind Charlene. I wouldn't call what I do talent, wish I were, but such isn't the case. But I like dabbling here and there at different projects. :)
CloversMum Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 9:35:44 PM
Beautiful, Janet. You are so incredibly talented. And, I love your milking stool ... precious memories and I love that you'll actually use it too!
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 5:03:31 PM
Quilts upon quilts, doll quilts…
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 4:29:33 PM
MaryJane, those little dolls are going to be getting colorful little quilts soon. That's a pretty little crib. Thank's Cindy.
txbikergirl Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 4:17:03 PM
awesome janet!
maryjane Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 3:00:02 PM
What's missing in this photo? (Hint: Boring brown quilt hanging on rail of cast iron play crib.) Their dollies have plenty of pillows and fancy clothes but NO quilts other than one small one my mother made for my daughter, not pieced, just quilted fabric.

maryjane Posted - Sep 15 2015 : 2:29:34 PM
Awesome Janet!!!!! Your stool will be precious forever and forever. Photos please when it's all done and in use:)