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T O P I C    R E V I E W
koverfelt Posted - Sep 11 2015 : 3:51:50 PM
Hi Everyone!
MaryJane and Cindy wanted decals made for their stock trailers. I found a local shop in our area that makes them. I had them put the images below on file. If you're interested in getting one made, just call Allegra, mention that the files are under the name Heritage Jersey Organization, and tell them the size you would like along with the image name (you'll find that information below). Here's the contact information for Allegra (You might ask for Jesse when you call. He was really knowledgeable and helpful):

Allegra Printing Pullman
205 NW Whitman St.
Pullman, WA 99163
(509) 334-4275

Here are the images, along with the image names that you should mention when you call. The sizes next to the names are the sizes that MaryJane ordered for her stock trailer. You can order a different size if that works better for you. If you have any questions about all of this information, feel free to e-mail me at

HJO-Logo, 24x24 inches

Cow-Lovin-Gal, 11x22 inches

Have-a-Cow, 11x22 inches

Jersey-Girl, 11x22 inches

Real-Women, 11x22 inches

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Oct 07 2015 : 10:24:16 AM
I love them all! I have one, from MaryJane. I can't really chose a favorite. (But I do like the Jersey girl one...)
txbikergirl Posted - Oct 02 2015 : 08:30:17 AM
charlene, the decals are so adorable! very, very nice quality and look so good applied. i have never even had a bumper sticker in my life, but it just love these! admittedly i did go a little crazy with the decals on this trailer.

we got the larger size for our trailer to put on the side panels, as we don't have much large area of smooth metal so have to have more of a bumper sticker rectangle. we got 4x7 i think instead of regular 3x5. but measure first as they can do them any size you want (but some restrictions to keep design proportional).

and they aren't too girly so my manly man hunky hunk was fine with them. still working on nick to embrace them on their trailer ;>
CloversMum Posted - Oct 01 2015 : 8:13:30 PM
Oh good to know! Thank you.
maryjane Posted - Oct 01 2015 : 5:46:51 PM
They can still be ordered, Charlene. It's an ongoing thing.
CloversMum Posted - Oct 01 2015 : 4:45:23 PM
Can we still order decals? Or was it just a one time deal?
GingerBKelly Posted - Oct 01 2015 : 06:35:24 AM
I love your red headed step cows, Ron! Too funny!

I got my stickers....I think about a week or so ago. With the grand girl around, I lost track of time. When we get our new (used) pick up, I expect to stick them on the tailgate, otherwise they are going in our milking parlor, after I paint the walls with milk paint. They are really spiffy! Good quality.
Ron Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 1:30:01 PM
Yeah we say that around here much I think the solution is hired domestic help...seems to work out much least works well here. :)
maryjane Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 11:47:39 AM
I want a doting wife like Harriet! I once said to my husband, "I wish I had a wife," to which he replied, "Me too."
Ron Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 11:37:47 AM
They are adorable....Harriet spends most of her day grooming Norman, he soaks it up.

At milking I get my 2 treat pails. Norman follows me to the south side of the corral and gets his treat in the bull bucket. Close gate behind me to the north side where Harriet is patiently waiting for her truest and milking...she can be milked kick..just stands..nibbles..milked.. I do put the token rope on her collar just in case she got spooked. It is hooked to the stantion which I never use...

It's a basic setup but the animals seem to thrive in each other's company. I separate about a week before calving and let them back together once the calf gets a handle on life...depends on the bull..experience has been though here if a bull starts to show any signs of unusual aggression it's freezer camp no questions is too short to fuss with that, right?
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 11:35:14 AM
Love the picture of Harriet and Norman. Thanks for posting it Ron. Miss seeing everyones bovine. The couple look quite content. :)
maryjane Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 11:14:47 AM
Cute Ron! What a truly handsome couple. Tell us how you're milking Harriet these days with Norman living right with her? Does she walk away from him to another area for you so you can milk?
Ron Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 11:11:35 AM

We feel like red headed step cows....
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 26 2015 : 10:45:06 AM
All of my decals arrived today! Wahooo!
txbikergirl Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 6:48:55 PM
i can't wait!! patrick reserved the two sides of the front of our trailer for the HJO logos, we got two medium size round ones.

tuesday is going to be a busy day indeed.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 2:39:32 PM
Cool MaryJane. They called me yesterday and said they put mine in the mail. The HJO logo decal looks really nice on your trailer. Sharp.
maryjane Posted - Sep 24 2015 : 2:10:14 PM
Allegra offered to come out to do a couple (actually three) of my decals so I could see how to do it. The owner came this morning and left me with a cool tool for putting the rest of them on. He also left Cindy's here with me. He said they recently invested in a new machine. I have to say, the quality of these is off the charts. I'm so very pleased.

maryjane Posted - Sep 19 2015 : 08:15:35 AM
Thanks everyone for your orders. I love supporting businesses in my home town. They'll always so helpful and eager. Makes it fun for everyone.
txbikergirl Posted - Sep 18 2015 : 1:47:16 PM
UPDATE! just got off the phone ordering so here is the latest news...

Allegra has been busy this last week getting everything into the system so they can sell the decals, and they have had four orders from around the USA other than Mary Janes ;> so they are a little behind right now and may take 1-2 days to return your call, but they are very nice people so worth the wait.

right now they told me that they are preparing orders/invoices today and monday 9/21 will call everyone with their invoice total and have you pay over the phone via credit card. then they plan to ship everything out monday to the far corners of the USA cow kingdom
txbikergirl Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 6:11:01 PM
mary jane is a very patient lady indeed! i can testify to that after being the first official graduate of milkmaid university.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 3:29:21 PM
Love the pics of your talking cows Ginger.
GingerBKelly Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 3:27:50 PM
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 2:15:17 PM
What am I going to do with you? You are always full of surprises. The g-girls and you have a little something headed your way too. Still working on the last doll quilt but won't be long now and I'll get them sent too. Thank you MJ. Love the designs on the decals!
maryjane Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 1:44:29 PM
Well, that makes it fun. Can't wait to see what you do with them Janet. There's a little bit of cow Christmas headed your way.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 12:57:06 PM
No stock trailer here, but I like the decals and they will look nice in the new milk parlor when done. Have them ordered and have a few ideas. Thank you for sharing with us Karina. Very nice visiting with Jesse, like you said very helpful and pleasant. :)
GingerBKelly Posted - Sep 14 2015 : 10:09:11 AM
Wow....I'm having a could I have missed that? Seriously, I need to just head off to the mini-barn and eat a bowl of ice cream to clear my head.

So sorry Mary Jane. Thanks for being so patient in answering my questions. I guess your patience pays off, in training cows and helping newbees get behind the ole you know what.

Thanks, Janet. You're such a sweetie, I can tell.