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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mike Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 06:34:07 AM
The system is keeping me logged it. When I try to log out and back in, to clear things out, I am still 'in'.

On another site, I cannot log in at all. I have cleared cookies to start over and still nothing.

I do not know if these two issues are related, but these are the only two site I log in to.

Help me log out of this site, please.

Another issue, the 'last visit to this site' date is incorrect.

Most respectfully,
Mike Rock
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 3:28:35 PM
On everyone's computer here it says your last visit was August 6, 2015. Just not sure at this point how or if we can help you. It sounds like it's your computer but we'll continue to brainstorm on our end.
maryjane Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 08:34:35 AM
Also, the "last visit" looks like it's working on my computer. What exactly are you referring to? Your date listed is today, mine is today, Janet's is today, Charlene's is yesterday. Looks okay to me.
maryjane Posted - Aug 06 2015 : 08:32:19 AM
Mike, we may not be able to get to this until early next week. Have you tried restarting your computer?