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 Cottage Cheese!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Jul 04 2017 : 6:16:45 PM
I did it! Finally made cottage cheese and had some for dinner tonight. I followed MaryJane's recipe in the Milk Cow Kitchen.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Jul 05 2017 : 09:57:56 AM
Oh My Goodness Charlene... That looks wonderful. I am the only one in the house who will eat cottage cheese, so when the day comes that I get my cow all that yummy goodness will be mine. I love to dice up celery, radishes, green onions and cherry tomatoes and mix it all up in the cottage cheese and eat it on multi grain crackers. That's a treat! Thanks for the wonderful pictures during your process.
CloversMum Posted - Jul 04 2017 : 8:57:21 PM
Thanks gals! It was delicious and gave me courage for continuing on with the cheese making process. I mean, this recipe in MJ's book says it is for intermediate cheese makers so I've FINALLY progressed past beginner! Lol! Not sure why I've been so nervous about cheese making it this was fun!!
txbikergirl Posted - Jul 04 2017 : 7:36:04 PM
gorgeous cottage cheese charlene!
maryjane Posted - Jul 04 2017 : 6:22:18 PM
Awesome Charlene! That's just the way I love to eat it. Bit of pepper with a side of 'maters.