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 Ham & Gruyere Buttermilk Rolls

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ashley Posted - Feb 10 2016 : 3:11:36 PM
I've been playing in the kitchen again today, and churned out a batch of these beauties

The crust was a simple mix of MaryJane's Budget mix, butter, and buttermilk. The crust was so flaky, with lots of yummy air pockets. I daresay it might even be the flakiest crust from the Budget Mix I've ever made or tasted, thanks to the addition of our own buttermilk, complete with flecks of butter. For the filling, I cut into a young wheel of Gruyere, spread it over the dough, and topped it with a layer of thinly sliced ham.

While Karina was snapping the photo, I mixed up a little stoneground mustard, buttermilk, and honey to pour over the tops of them. Yum! Luckily, they all disappeared before I could gorge myself on a second one. ;)

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Feb 10 2016 : 6:35:36 PM
So delicious ... sometimes I wish the computer could allow us to smell the delicious scents coming from your kitchen, Ashley.
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 10 2016 : 5:39:09 PM
Ashley, those look amazing. I would like to try those someday.
txbikergirl Posted - Feb 10 2016 : 4:44:58 PM
thats amazing looking. lovely. sign me "salivating in texas"