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 Oh no, Mastitis!!!!

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NellieBelle Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 12:57:53 PM
Felt a firm lump on Nellie's udder this morning when milking. I checked for mastitis but it was negative. Maybe it's just starting. I rubbed her udder with the Dyanmint, and that's when I noticed it. I will start the Ester-C and see how things go. Sure hope it's nothing. Seems like things have to keep popping up. :(
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 6:56:31 PM
Well, I've been wanting one (wood cook stove) for a long time. I don't know about the perfect life, but thankful for the good days without pain or illness. Just want a little comfort in my latter years, Nellie, my milk cow, simple living, and an old wood cook stove. Good enough for sure. (maybe a comfortable rocking chair by that wood stove.) Not that I will have time to use it. LOL.
maryjane Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 6:21:58 PM
I'm thinking that to end up in life with a stove like that, you've pulled off the perfect life. That stove is something that should go on your epitaph.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 5:31:04 PM
Thank you for the tip. I will do that tomorrow. I probably worry too much but it took me a long time to get here and I don't want anything to go wrong if I can prevent it. So much to learn. Thanks, the stove was made in 1906. Fully restored and I can hardly wait to fire it up. Will be here next week sometime. They were a popular stove back in the day. Made in Portland, Maine
maryjane Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 5:10:30 PM
I've started adding the Ester-C to some pellets in a little Tupperware container, adding a squirt of water, shaking it, and then adding it to their usual portion of dry pellets so the Ester-C has sticking power and can't sift out. I want to make sure they're getting it. I recently immunized all my herd and wanted to give them all some Ester-C for a week. I've been bringing them in one at a time to the milking parlor to make sure they get Vit. C during this time. If you're worried about her not licking her plate for every last morsel, then a tad of water helps. BTW, your new stove is TO DIE FOR. I want one too!!!!! I'd never heard of that brand.
Ron Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 4:16:01 PM
You are welcome Janet and you are fine. Just a concerned cow owner! Is it not amazing how the cows were able to survive somehow as a breed all these years without us to worry about them. :)
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 4:09:11 PM
Thanks for the information too Ron, appreciate all the help I get.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 4:07:28 PM
Yes, I'm still letting Pumpkin Moonshine nurse his mom. I should start weaning him off I suppose. But we're getting plenty of milk and I figure he needs it worse than we do. She is probably making sure he gets his share.
Ron Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 3:32:44 PM
Lol. No I guess they do not. Does She have a calf that nurses? If so sometimes having the calf there can help. Also a warm water cleaning sometimes can help also. I really think She will be fine. I have been told that if a cow normally is not prone to mastitis zit would be the exception and not the rule.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 3:01:41 PM
That very well could be the problem. I can literally see her holding her milk. While milking she will contract up, more that once, just like a person would try to hold urine, she is holding back milk. I will keep a watch on it, but if the mastitis tests keep coming up negative, I've got to think that's what she's doing. Do wonders ever cease?
Ron Posted - Sep 12 2014 : 2:05:53 PM
Don't know if this input will help. Might just call the vet to ask? More than likely She is fine!