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 Mastitis Supplies

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TonyMan Posted - Feb 29 2016 : 7:58:40 PM
Hi All,

So today my Flossie's left front quarter had a sizable lump that was smaller yesterday.
Today She has Mastitis according to the CMT test. I already looked up on here regarding Fanci's Mastitis and how MaryJane dealt with it. So my questions are these:
1: Where does an average person get the Today Solution?
2. Where does one purchase Predoyne?
3. As I wait for the Solution to come, what are things that I could be doing to help eliminate the Mastitis. Obviously milking more often to keep the milk sugars from feeding the sizable cyst/mastitis ball of Gunk in the Udder. Any other suggestions?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Feb 29 2016 : 8:20:14 PM
Dr. Parish can prescribe the Today and you can pick it up tomorrow at WSU. It'll be two treatments 12 hours apart. No need for the Predoyne just yet I wouldn't think.