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 Oh no, Mastitis!!!!
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12 Posts

Posted - Feb 29 2016 :  7:58:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All,

So today my Flossie's left front quarter had a sizable lump that was smaller yesterday.
Today She has Mastitis according to the CMT test. I already looked up on here regarding Fanci's Mastitis and how MaryJane dealt with it. So my questions are these:
1: Where does an average person get the Today Solution?
2. Where does one purchase Predoyne?
3. As I wait for the Solution to come, what are things that I could be doing to help eliminate the Mastitis. Obviously milking more often to keep the milk sugars from feeding the sizable cyst/mastitis ball of Gunk in the Udder. Any other suggestions?

Proud owner of one Jersey Bull, Sir Anthony, nickname Tony. Happiest owner of Flossie, my Jersey cow.

Smart Farmer Pledge:
“Each Day, I will consider new ways to generate income- even if it is a dime or a dollar-without spending a cent.” Forrest Pritchard


7076 Posts

Posted - Feb 29 2016 :  8:20:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dr. Parish can prescribe the Today and you can pick it up tomorrow at WSU. It'll be two treatments 12 hours apart. No need for the Predoyne just yet I wouldn't think.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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