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maryjane Posted - Feb 27 2018 : 06:19:38 AM

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 11:06:07 AM

You had me there too MaryJane. Well, whether it be new or old calving pictures, they are always so exciting.

Still on my toes with Miss LL.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 09:14:27 AM
Yes indeed. Works out nicely. Thanks MaryJane.
maryjane Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 09:06:18 AM
Yes, those three, but with two more on board. Both Ester Lily and M'Lady are pregnant. EL with a bull. So she's also getting a herd bull. I think he'll be close to perfect.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 07:38:44 AM
So it's Ester Lily, M'Lady and Sophie that are leaving? Such beautiful additions to any farm. I just love Lizzy's markings. I'm anxious for my ladies to deliver but alas, I must be patient. Not until May. Millie is the sweetest little thing. I call her "Sweet Tea" in the morning, because she takes her sweet time coming into the milk parlor. They are such a joy.
maryjane Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 06:46:35 AM
Lizzy is staying here for now. I realized she'll be ready for Ian in no time at all and that seems easier for everyone involved.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 06:32:57 AM
Oh well, that cleared that up. I'm still happy for Ester Lily and Lizzy and hoping the best for them as they move on to their new home.
maryjane Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 05:07:12 AM
I was posting this for the woman buying Ester Lily. It was when she gave birth to Lizzy a year ago. EL is still pregnant:) Sorry I didn't say that.

Good morning Janet!
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 28 2018 : 04:28:26 AM
I didn't think Ester Lily was due until April. ? Congratulations on the new arrival MaryJane. Hope all is going okay.