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3486 Posts
Posted - Mar 25 2014 : 9:41:23 PM
I have to share...our little 8 month old Jersey is healthy after her rough start and our vet says that she could be bred this next fall, around 14 months! Yahoo!!
Our sad news doesn't involve my Jersey, but rather one of our pregnant goats. She delivered a full month too early this morning and none of the triplets survived. It was a sad morning...those sweet little ones were perfect, just not developed enough to survive outside the womb. I guess I never want to be so calloused as to not feel, but it was a tough day today. This particular goat delivered triplets (rare for Oberhasli goats, I've heard) last year about ten days triplet did not survive, but the other two did. Now, I have to make some tough decisions this coming fall whether or not to breed her again. I will keep her regardless. In the meantime, I will get to milk her and have fresh Oberhasli goat milk, which by the way tastes the closest to cows' milk out of all goats. Not as good as Jersey milk, but we are still waiting on that!! |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
7074 Posts
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 09:41:06 AM
That is just soooo hard. I've noticed that when all is well with my animals, it feels like all is well in the world. Any time they're not well or content, it eats on you.
My husband talks about our animals as if they're people, but always with a bit of humor tossed in. Pets are people too, right? We've kept Maizy locked up the last couple of days because she's in heat. There is a fence between her and the bulls but one year she climbed the fence when she was in heat, somehow (wishing I'd had a video cam set up to capture that!). Anyway, as we were doing our chores this morning, I hollered his direction to say, Go ahead, and let Maizy out. He said, "I already did. She seems interested in food again." Maizy is never NOT interested in food, locked up or not. Anyway, we love our animals and talk about them as if they're family ... and of course share in the worry and heartbreak that comes with the territory. |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
18 Posts
Posted - Mar 27 2014 : 6:17:34 PM
So sorry about your sweet babies. I know as farmers we are supposed to be strong when the tough stuff happens but I do believe that our hurt is a direct reflection of the love we have given. |
3486 Posts
Posted - Mar 28 2014 : 2:23:54 PM
I was sad and then thought that I shouldn't be since this is a farm. But I wasn't in despair and then just remembered that I'd rather hurt a little while enjoying all the fun times that these critters give us!! I love what you said, "...our hurt is a direct reflection of the love we have given." Thank you! |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
3486 Posts
Posted - May 18 2014 : 5:26:27 PM
Another sad day on the farm...our last goat kidded two days ago. She was the fourth goat that we had bred last fall. Our second and third goats to kid had no complications and we had four doelings born who are thriving and are already sold to great families. We fully expected our last goat to kid with no complications either. She had always delivered twins with normal presentations. But not this time...she went into labor and after an hour or so we just sensed something was wrong. A vet tech came out to see her and quickly discovered the kid was stuck, and I mean stuck!, in the birth canal. With no time to waste, we loaded the mama up (with baby hooves protruding from the birth canal) and rushed to the vet. No one thought the baby could survive but we were going to try to save the mama and perhaps a twin. Things went downhill quickly and an emergency C-section was performed...mama did not survive and passed away with her head in my lap. She did not have twins this time, but rather one babe. Her baby whom everyone thought was dead revived due to a very great vet tech (!) and we now have an especially cute doeling who has a lot of spunk and is doing well. Very bittersweet...cried over the mama, but rejoiced over the new baby. The mama was older but gave oodles of milk, so I am hoping that her babe will also give oodles of milk when she's grown. This just doesn't get easier! But if we hadn't been there when labor started, we would have lost both mama and baby...
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
7074 Posts
Posted - May 18 2014 : 7:53:27 PM
I am so sorry for your loss, Charlene. What a traumatic experience for all of you. So sorry.
I've wondered a couple of times why I check so frequently and worry (never had any problems ... yet). This confirms why one should stay vigilant.
Where would we be without our vets? I'll be taking my two senior bulls to the WSU Vet School this week for check-ups, etc. I always look forward to witnessing the care they give my animals. |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
3486 Posts
Posted - May 18 2014 : 10:35:20 PM
Thank you, MaryJane. It was traumatic for us...but I am learning so much and finding more strength than I ever thought possible! I can be as vigilant as can be but problems can still occur. And, yes, we must be on watch during times like this. Whenever a negative situation occurs there is always the positive side to sad to lose our mama but I am overjoyed that we have her baby girl now. She's a keeper...not selling this miracle kid! And, yes, I am so thankful for our vets and vet techs! |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
7074 Posts
Posted - May 25 2014 : 1:07:12 PM
Now you have a miracle cow and a goat! |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
3486 Posts
Posted - May 26 2014 : 8:15:01 PM
I definitely do have a little miracle cow and a miracle goat. Both of them are here to stay! After going through such tough times, you really get attached to these critters and, I like to think, they really get attached to us as well. Our Clover (Jersey heifer) talks to us any time she sees us outside and our little Blossom (our miracle kid goat) sits in our laps for her bottle and fell asleep in my friend's lap last week after her bottle. Such loves, both of them! |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
7074 Posts
Posted - Jun 01 2014 : 06:16:40 AM
And it sounds like you have a little miracle boy, now 18 years old and graduating!!!! |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
3486 Posts
Posted - Jun 01 2014 : 10:25:17 PM
Yes, we do! And, we are so very thankful. :-) |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
56 Posts
Posted - Jun 07 2014 : 3:41:31 PM
I am so sorry about the loss of your beloved goats!!! This is probably my greatest concern with having a farm. I get so attached! We know my dog isn't going to last too much longer (she is older and keeps having seizures), and I just cannot wrap my heart around the thought! If I start thinking about it, I cry. Though we will be raising some of our critters for food, I still know that butchering them will also cause great heartache. |
3486 Posts
Posted - Jun 08 2014 : 10:26:12 PM
I do believe having a farm helps our family (adults and kids) see, experience, and understand the circle of life. Yes, there are very sad things...but I tell my kids that its okay to be sad and cry (if I didn't, then I need to stop having animals!) and there are the joyous times as well. I think our youngest actually deals with it the best, he is young enough that he just accepts this as part of farm life. He's very practical but yet he loves the animals and is so very gentle with them all. He's learning to respect the animals, care for them well, cry when sad and then look for joy in the moment. Its also so good for the kids to learn and know exactly where their food is coming from, in my opinion. |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
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