499 Posts
Posted - Jun 23 2020 : 12:12:24 PM
Hi Vicki,
If you have a chance I would like you to call me. I am in California, so we are in the same time zone.
Before all the virus lock down I was in the middle of an 18 week advanced AI course at our local junior college. Bummer right. Any how, there was a young man in the class that is smart as a whip. His family has an organic dairy in Chehalis, which is less than an hour from you. He is back home and AI's a bunch of their cows. Of all of them only 2 didn't take.
So feel free to call me and we will see what we can do. I know there is also a more in the Washington area.
Thanks, have a great day! 209-329-9364 |
To Succeed In This Life You Need Three Things: A Backbone, A Wish Bone and a Funny Bone. As quoted by Reba McEntire |