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499 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2017 :  4:22:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would just like to Thank you, Mary Jane for this wonderful organization and to all of you who share on here. I have been reading it for months and felt as though I were eve's dropping on your conversations. The knowledge I have gained is amazing. I decided I needed to join even though I do not have a Jersey "YET"!! Husband finally said yes, but I am not quite ready.

About me: I live in the central valley of California in the small town Escalon. Where in the world is that? Just north of a larger town called Modesto. (Modesto Milling ring a bell Mary Jane?) I do patronize them. I am married to my wonderful husband Tom. I have 2 daughters, one 23 and one 18 who just graduated high school on Friday. I also have a son 16. All farm/country boy! I am a retired Deputy Sheriff and Tom is a Mechanical Engineer.

I raise Dorper sheep. I have 14 ewes and 3 rams at the current time. I have not milked my ewes yet, but plan to after the next set of lambs. I also have 2 horses, 4 dogs, 4 cats, and about 15 chickens on our 10 acre little farm. It was mostly all Almond orchard, but heavy rain and winds this winter took out about 50%, so it was all removed. Now I get more area to plant pasture. YAY!

I love ready the daily weather and chit-chat and will cherish my time all you folks as I wait patiently for the appropriate time to get my cows. I have read so much on here it is almost intoxicating at time. Came across some book recommendations, ordered a bunch, and am currently reading Essential Guide to Calving by Heather Smith Thomas. If you don't have it, it is a great book.
I about wore out my copy of Milk Cow Kitchen toting it around with me everywhere like a toddler with their favorite blankie! Looking forward to getting to know you all better.
Blessings, Darla


11218 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2017 :  5:23:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Darla and welcome. So nice to be introduced to you, your family and 10 acre farm. As much as you like reading the posts on HJO, we love to meet and chat with new members. I've never heard of Dorper sheep, so that will be fun to look up and learn something about them. How wonderful to hear you are on your Milk cow journey. You can't find a better group and MaryJane has been a help to us all. Her book Milk Cow Kitchen is used here all the time. Some of us have a couple because we've used them sooooo much. So welcome to the group and can't wait to hear more of your milk cow search and adventure. ( I just purchased a new Jersey cow named Darla.)

To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown
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499 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2017 :  5:36:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
NellieBelle, Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I am on here reading daily. You all seem to be such wonderful and caring folks. Not just for your love of your cows, but each other as well. So comforting! As for the Dorpers, they were originated in South Africa by the crossing of Dorset sheep to the South African Persian Fat Tail sheep. (not an attractive critter) Taking the first syllable from each to become Dorper. The Dorpers are black headed with white bodies, and the White Dorpers are all white. Same animal just a difference for breed registry. It is some of the mildest lamb you will ever have the pleasure to eat, if you care for lamb. It is dinner time for both family and barn family, so I will say Thank You again, and talk to you soon.

To Succeed In This Life You Need Three Things: A Backbone, A Wish Bone and a Funny Bone. As quoted by Reba McEntire
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3486 Posts

Posted - Jun 05 2017 :  6:19:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Welcome! And so glad you have jumped on board. This is a fun group and we welcome you with open arms!

Love hearing about your sheep. I did not have sheep but do have goats in addition to our cows. This has been the best resource for me in learning about milking cows and, yes, I'm one of the ones that has two copies of Milk Cow Kitchen. I'm also thinking I should have the book you are currently reading in hand as one of my girls is presently in labor!

Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens
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25 Posts

Posted - Jun 06 2017 :  06:20:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello! This is a wonderful group. Full of nice people with lots of experience.

So neat that you raise Dorper sheep. We raise Katahdin sheep. Love those hair breeds. :) I'm new to cows, so I can't offer much to you at this point. Except perhaps what NOT to do. Ha! ;)

Nice to "meet" you!
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7074 Posts

Posted - Jun 06 2017 :  06:31:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you Darla for the wonderful introduction to you, husband Tom, daughters, and all your critters. I loved every ounce of it.

When my last string of calves were due, I pulled out my copy of Heather Smith Thomas' calving book and made copies of pages 60 through 119 for use in my milking parlor in case of a difficult birth. Good book choice! Also, your "blankie" book:)

Don't be shy now. We'd love to have you join our daily chit chat and weather report.

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~
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3486 Posts

Posted - Jun 06 2017 :  10:14:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just ordered Heather Smith Thomas' book. Thanks for the recommendation.

Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens
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3197 Posts

Posted - Jun 07 2017 :  05:53:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
welcome darla! i am a little late to the welcome wagon here, because.... i was in California visiting family in TURLOCK! i am a native California girl raised in the rural areas of the Central Valley (Los Banos, Dos Palos, Firebaugh) and then married a Texan and have been in East Texas for over 12 years now. All my family but my parents still live in that area ;>

We want Dorper sheep Darla, just need to get more fencing done to accommodate them. Its the biggest hurdle we have on our little homestead, installing new fence as nothing had been done maintenance wise here for decades before we bought it.

I am glad you have joined into the discussion. The ladies here have helped me so much through my cow journey, and i now have four cows! the youngest is a heifer just born on our farm this spring. only one in milk now but attempting to rectify that with the vets trusty arm and some straws of semen!

Looking forward to having you around.

Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy")
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