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27 Posts
Posted - Apr 05 2016 : 11:26:30 PM
My calf is 7 months old and I finally broke down and separated them. I've put the calf in a 20 x 20 ft area and she has free choice hay (good quality) and water. Should I be providing anything else for her? She has nothing to graze. She's been in there for 5 days now and my thoughts were to keep her penned for 30 days. I'm hand feeding her some alfalfa cubes and that's the only way she gets them. I want her to come to me after i release her from her pen. My thoughts were to hand feed her only during this period (not hay) and after 15 days I thought I would start getting her use to the halter and lead rope and walk her around the pen.
Would appreciate any thoughts and advise.
Debbie |
7076 Posts
Posted - Apr 06 2016 : 12:17:32 AM
Is your hay a mix of grass and alfalfa? If not, she definitely needs the alfalfa cubes for a protein concentrate. Otherwise, sounds like a good plan all around. Let the training begin! |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
3197 Posts
Posted - Apr 06 2016 : 06:51:43 AM
when you put her back with momma watch very closely. i kept mine separated for nine weeks, and she still went back to nursing! it was a shock to me as i found it almost two weeks after putting them back together, the clue for me was teeth marks on the momma's teats, but i discounted it one day as i just knew she was weaned... newbies mistake (on my part).
i was also surprised how much the calf wanted the salt lick thingy. |
Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy") |
27 Posts
Posted - Apr 06 2016 : 07:35:43 AM
Mary Jane, I'm only giving less than a half a small bucket full (bucket about a gallon). Do you think that is enough? |
7076 Posts
Posted - Apr 06 2016 : 08:00:00 AM
Keep in mind, she's gone from high protein milk to hay. On the other hand, she's older and her digestive system should be fully functioning by now. I think you should stick with your plan to hand feed her half a gallon/day. Watch her weight and energy level and adjust accordingly. Cindy's suggestion for a Redmond salt rock is a good one. Be patient and show up consistently for a long stretch of time. In my experience, starting training when they're younger makes it easier. Good luck!!!! |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
3486 Posts
Posted - Apr 06 2016 : 08:57:36 AM
I second or third the Redmond salt rock.
Great plan to get your heifer attached to you for treats and food. Also, if you can just hang out in the pen do it as much as possible! We have one cow that is pretty shy and it helps just to be by her ... she gets curious and wants to know what you're doing and becomes really comfortable with you nearby. Also, as you can, start touching her all over, starting with the sides. Sometimes going for the face is a bit too threatening. Our shy one loves her sides scratched, combed, and petted. Consistency is the key to it all. Something life has a way of interrupting. :)
Keep us updated. |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
27 Posts
Posted - Apr 06 2016 : 7:04:35 PM
I've been messing with her all along especially while she was eating so she would stand still. She would just walk away though when I tried to approach her otherwise. Near the end of hand feeding her I walk around and she will follow me now. Didn't take long but I know we're really not there yet. Thanks for all the advise. I'll find that Redmond salt block. Thanks again.
Debbie |
11220 Posts
Posted - Apr 07 2016 : 07:06:14 AM
Much success to you SpringMaiden1 with your calf nourishment plan, and halter training your little heifer calf. Looks like you are making good progress. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
3197 Posts
Posted - Apr 07 2016 : 07:08:54 AM
i am training my cows with verbal commands. they understand them. i am following rules for dog training where you use only 2-3 syllables, and repeat repeat repeat. then follow with a positive reinforcement both verbally and physically.
i have taught them both "wait". so whenever i go to put a harness on or off i say "wait". sometimes repeat it "wait". then i put the harness on/off, then proceed to say repeatedly "good wait, good wait" while scratching their neck and face - whatever their favorite scratch is.
i use the term "free" to release them. so they have to stay in the "wait" until i say free, then they are off and running. keep in mind unlike dogs they aren't going to stay that way for a long time, but they do stand still and wait as requested for a minute or two or three. a dog can be trained to wait for hours, not so a cow ;>
I also use the term "lets go" when moving them from one location to another. "back" to back up. and always the "good" repeatedly when they follow the command.
the most important concepts are to keep it simple, start with one word and train with that until they get that you/they are verbally communicating, and then slowly add more in. and be consistent in the terms so they don't get confused.
i just thought you might be interested as it really adds another dimension to the relationship, increases the bonding. and decreases the human frustration when you can't get a cow to do what you want ;> |
Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy") |
3486 Posts
Posted - Apr 07 2016 : 11:15:51 AM
Cindy, you take the cake with all of your cow training. That is fantastic. |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
3197 Posts
Posted - Apr 07 2016 : 3:27:01 PM
thanks charlene. i am working hard on it. but i can tell you really smart cows are harder to train... well, they are easy to catch-on but the smart ones then choose when they want to cooperate or not. sally, are your ears burning? whereas average intelligence ones, like my little miss elsa, cooperate and don't think about it - no desire to go against the grain. the same thing with my pugs, little boy just goes with anything and little girl tests the boundaries constantly.
just like children... |
Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy") |
Edited by - txbikergirl on Apr 07 2016 3:27:39 PM |
3486 Posts
Posted - Apr 08 2016 : 09:07:56 AM
I have a goat baby who is pretty smart too and I agree that those smart ones are sometimes the most difficult to train as they think for themselves! My little doeling watched our barn kitties walk on the top edge of our pallet fences. So one night I went down to the barn and who is walking along the pallet fence?? Little Jasmine herself ... a goat tightrope walker! Having already had a little one with a broken leg, I am a bit more sensitive to potential accidents! So we altered the goat baby pen to avoid future tightrope performances. |
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
1156 Posts
Posted - Apr 09 2016 : 05:57:34 AM
Wow, Charlene! I didn't knowthat goats would do that! |
A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing - Laura Ingalls Wilder
I live on a small farm of seventy acres called Green Forest Farm, with 10 horses, a donkey, 5 beef cows, 2 beef heifers, 3 Hereford heifers, around 60 chickens, 8 dogs, my amazing cow, AppleButter, and her little Jersey calf HoneyButter! |
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