T O P I C R E V I E W |
maryjane |
Posted - Apr 17 2021 : 06:57:25 AM Sure enjoying my spring flowers. My lane is lined with happy daffies.

And after almost a 10-year wait, I'm finally getting a boiler installed in our millhouse (for floor heat and hot water).

Bovine girls are all fine and loving the pasture these days. I dried Buttercup off cold turkey (worked fabulously well with her--doesn't always work with some cows) in preparation for her upcoming calf.
Daisy is still giving a gallon and a half/day so that's keeping us in milk.
I'm out the door for a day of pruning and garden-type fussing, this and that, putter, putter. It's been sunny here but with a strong, cold wind. Today, it's sunny and still. I'm excited for the day 'cause it's all mine!
16 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
NellieBelle |
Posted - May 31 2021 : 11:06:58 AM Each swarm has been different. I've only had two swarms that used the same tree. I've had to watch a few fly away as they were too high for me to reach. I always hear a swarm before I see it. I just follow the sound of all the bees and their activity leads me right to them. Amazing little creatures. Another busy day here. For some reason the guy we hired to cut down a couple of Aspen trees arrived this morning. He climbed and had them down before noon. One was really bad and leaning and I was afraid it would land on my Hickory tree and the bee building. Everything went smoothly. No room for truck so he climbed them both and laid them down out of the way. Now Joe and I will do clean up. |
maryjane |
Posted - May 31 2021 : 04:38:12 AM Such abundance!!!! Beautiful. Regarding swarms, I have yet to feel successful in that realm, maybe one that I can remember. The rest I couldn't get to or I arrived just as they flew off en masse. Another one of your many skills, Janet! Honey bees this year are tame. And busy. Yesterday when I was weeding my iris patch, the wind had finally stopped, and I was surrounded by busy honey bees. It was a lovely moment in time, that sound and only that sound.
Daisy's cream goes crazy when she's on pasture also.
NellieBelle |
Posted - May 29 2021 : 12:14:48 PM That is a darling picture. And yes, pretty much same o, same o here with a bit of extra excitement on the side. Two bee swarms last week, but was able to get them both hived. One was easy, the second one not so much, but it's done. Had to order a few hive components as I'm running out stands (base of bee hives). Everything farm here. More ducklings , new chicks are pepping today. Little kittens in old rabbit hutch, two mommas sharing the same space. [ IMG]/IM Cows are enjoying the cooler weather and green grass. Nellie has so much sweet thick cream it's hard to believe. I had to go back to milking her twice a day as once a day loaded her up too much. She is giving 4-5 gallons a day. Grass made a huge difference. Garden is coming up nicely. We received .8" of rain which helped. Everything looks so pretty. So enjoying each day. |
maryjane |
Posted - May 29 2021 : 10:57:49 AM A bit of cheer and cuteness for your Memorial Day weekend.

Hope you're enjoying the last few days of May. I'm weeding/walking my prairie and weeding/watering my flower beds, orchard, etc. Same ole, same ole, just the way I like it.
How about you? |
NellieBelle |
Posted - May 22 2021 : 09:52:49 AM In my opinion, there is nothing as beautiful as rolling prairie. I love the native plants and grasses and the smell of a prairie in the summer, there's nothing comparable. It's something one has to experience to understand. It genuinely makes you feel like you're part of the landscape. I hope before my days are done, we will be able to return our acres to tallgrass prairie and savanna. You've done excellent work on your prairie MaryJane and the rewards and pleasure are non-ending. Just breathtaking! Acres of gemstones waving in the breeze. |
maryjane |
Posted - May 22 2021 : 08:55:21 AM Such a lovely peek into your productive step-back-in-time life, Janet. I can picture you walking past your flower beds and then up the steps to your greenhouse.
I'm about to get lupine in my flowers beds also, and just a few of my iris are blooming so far.
The native flowers in my 115-acre short-grass prairie are fabulous this year. Absolutely stunning. It takes a while to walk from one end of the flowers to the other. After about 600 feet or more, I have native grasses growing until tree line and then flowers again throughout the trees.

NellieBelle |
Posted - May 22 2021 : 06:55:52 AM Good Morning! May 22nd. Can the months go by any faster? It's just unbelievable how quickly time flies by. We were needing rain here also. Have 8/10th's last couple days and it's still overcast, and thunderstorms and scattered showers forecast. And it's humid lately. I'll have to try your milk recipe. I take turmeric at bedtime but just with a swallow of water, so I will try milk and manuka honey with turmeric. Everything is green, lush, and flourishing. I need to weed my potatoes and beets but it's too muddy right now. So I pull weeds from the edges as far as I can reach for now. Flowers are so pretty this spring. Cows are all doing well. Sent Oliver to be processed. Ducklings coming out of our ears. I set some chicken eggs to keep new hens coming every year. So that's about it here. Mostly gardening and routine chores, and milking. |
maryjane |
Posted - May 20 2021 : 06:33:14 AM We're finally getting some much needed rain. Everyone around here is in rejoice/relief mode. I had planted 100s of pounds of Paiute Orchardgrass seed last fall throughout my B&B (trying to heal construction disruptions from last summer) and it sprouted beautifully this spring but was running out of soil moisture so I'd been watering it ... in May, wow.
On another note, I came across a recent tidbit of "news" about drinking milk before bed so wanted to share. I like warm milk, honey, and a bit of turmeric known as golden milk before bed.
"As far as what might be helpful for sleep quality, studies suggest that consuming milk might help improve falling asleep – even warm milk mixed with honey. It's one of the recommendations that’s been around for a really long time because milk is a source of tryptophan.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that can benefit slumber because once it enters your body, it’s converted into two brain chemicals associated with sleep: melatonin, which helps regulate your body’s natural sleep and wake cycles, and serotonin, which causes relaxation and drowsiness.
It also hydrates you. Going to bed even mildly dehydrated can disrupt your sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation."
NellieBelle |
Posted - May 04 2021 : 04:32:34 AM Good morning MaryJane! I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets things mixed up now and then. Guess I will have to wait on that little Buttercup calf. Trying to keep heat cycles and each cow's gestation dates, gets to be a bit confusing at times. I have a notebook and a calendar I write in and I still have a time, but that's just me. Yes, 3 cows pregnant. I had the vet come and do an exam on Nellie. Everything checks out but she is not pregnant. I won't breed her back now until June or July as I don't really want a winter calf. So Estella due in Aug. and the other two in Oct. And Nellie on hiatus. Weeding and gardening in full swing here. Love this time of year. We are in need of rain, but it will come when it comes. |
maryjane |
Posted - May 03 2021 : 8:49:03 PM Buttercup is a ways off. A couple of months ago I was telling Connie that April was her due date, but then got to doubting that afterward and checked and it's July, so two more months. Buttercup was born in April which is why I was thinking April. Anyway, I'll let you know as her time draws near. Too many due dates, too many cows, and too little time for me to keep track of them all. Thankful for written calendars! I keep track of their heats on paper also. In my mind it seems like they just get over a heat when it's back again. 21 days goes fast, which is why I'm always checking what I write down:) You have three pregnant mommas, right? |
NellieBelle |
Posted - May 03 2021 : 06:55:46 AM Waiting to hear about Buttercup. Any news of first time momma? I guess this isn't first time for her. Losing track. But still waiting to hear if she had her calf yet.
NellieBelle |
Posted - Apr 27 2021 : 03:26:40 AM Dear Daisy. Bless her heart. That is so cute, (proper or not). My gals have been taking it easy too, but not eating laying down. Hot here at the moment at 87 degrees yesterday and 83 supposedly today. Turned hot fast and it takes a while to adjust, so they take it easy when it's this warm. It won't last thankfully. Enjoy seeing all the cows. Still hatching ducklings and little chicks. Usual springtime goings on. |
maryjane |
Posted - Apr 26 2021 : 2:01:45 PM Daisy has a new name: Lazy Daisy.
I have her separated from Momma Buttercup and her heifer, Rosetta, because the two of them can be together safely when Rosetta is in heat, but Daisy tries to mount Rosetta. And if I put Rosetta off by herself she moos night and day. So, it's Daisy that has to be quarantined.
I gave Daisy her breakfast this morning and she didn't even come to the table properly, well, sort of, she brought the table to her.

maryjane |
Posted - Apr 24 2021 : 4:16:24 PM A new home for Lacy Lou. Sounds ideal with the four little girls and papa able to trim hooves. And Molly and Peaches up and coming, bred to Samson. Just one big happy family. Thanks for the update. Say hello to Lacy Lou for me. There have a been more than a couple of times I wished I'd kept her because even though small, her legs were longer, making her easy to milk. And her teats were ample and very uniform.
We tried to give Daisy a hoof trim last week and she nearly killed herself. We've learned to do only two hooves at a time with two different electric trimmers going. Even so, she can't seem to calm herself. I have a drug I've tried before but don't want to use it while she's in milk. Given her one problematic back foot, she'd be lame in no time if we didn't give her a trim. One toe grows faster than the other and she ends up walking on the side of her foot and it starts to bow her leg. How many times have you tried to tell an animal that you're only trying to help? Geez. |
Boots&Flipflops |
Posted - Apr 21 2021 : 11:54:47 AM What glorious pictures of Spring from both of you ladies. I am not much for tending to a flower garden, but once we move I will be planting Daffodils and Lillys which are my two favorite flowers.
MaryJane I was asked a question eight weeks ago about selling LacyLou. First thing that flew out of my mouth was who wants to know? Well it was during an appointment with my farrier. He was asking for himself. He said he had been looking at her every time he comes. He is wanting a little milk cow for his family that is he, his wife and 4 young daughters.
Well at our appointment this morning again he asked. So this summer LacyLou will be in the hands of a very loving family with 4 Milk Maid Girls. Lacy is going to be bred to a mini Dexter with fantastic bloodlines. My farrier is a wonderful young man, Military Veteran, and was raised on a dairy. So I am comfortable.
These pictures are not the greatest, but wanted to share.

.jpg?v 64960832) The first picture is Peaches and Molly, and the second one is Molly, who was pretty much a rescue.(long story) I have had her looked over by my vet and she is in very good health and fully vaccinated.
Both of these girls will be AI'd with Samson semen either in May or June.
Going to visit our Washington ranch next month. Yes at this point we are still going up for visits.
Hope everyone is doing well and has a Great Day
NellieBelle |
Posted - Apr 18 2021 : 10:35:44 AM Hello all! Everything here is spring, new life, spring flowers, and that beautiful green grass. Love the daffodils MaryJane! And your broiler looks complicated, congratulations!! Just a very pleasant time of year. Lots of work required, branches needing cut down, brush piles picked up, weeding, always weeding. But such joyful work. Wore totally out by the end of the day. New chicks hatching. Cows all doing fine. Nellie may have fooled me, but we will wait and see another cycle. She didn't come in heat first cycle after AI but showed signs with the last cycle so we're scratching our heads. She did this last time too. Ended up she was pregnant, but she's a puzzle. Other than that all is well and just enjoying each day. They are talking snow for tomorrow, so today is a busy work day. All 3 new 3lb. pkg. of honey bees installed, so 6 hives in use. Waiting for that Buttercup calf.  |