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 Saturday, Feb. 24

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Feb 24 2018 : 08:24:04 AM
Good morning. We had a bit of a fright this morning when Anna slipped on the ice and went down with her feet up against a snow berm, making it so she couldn't get her feet under her to get back up. While we were attempting to find more help, she squirmed around long enough that she got out onto flatter ground and popped back up. Fortunately, she isn't limping or anything.

It's snowing like mad here. Beautiful, but snow shovel here we come.

I fixed more milk/cream porridge for my chickens this morning. The last few days it froze so I was feeding them plain chicken scratch. I also put some "pick no more" gel on my two banties. With all my girls feeling cooped up in this weather, they started picking on the two smallest chickens. I think the purple gel that smells-like-bubble-gum will fix the problem.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2018 : 02:48:59 AM
Good to read all is going well on Firefly Hollow Farm. Spring is making it's way everywhere. Canada geese, robins, as well as some flowers are popping up. I covered some of the peonies that were peeking through. Too soon. They are forecasting some 50's this week. We will see if that follows through.
txbikergirl Posted - Feb 24 2018 : 7:16:23 PM
good evening ladies. while y'all are experiencing colder than cold, we have our first sign of spring - the old pear tree is in full bloom! perhaps tomorrow i can get a photo. this is when i know that old man winter is calling it quits and miss spring is on her way!

bea and twinkleberry are fantastic. i put them into the pasture with all the other cows on thursday, so everyone is finally happy again since they are all together. what a joy to watch the little one run and kick her heels up. it is wet and muddy here, and two days were a bit nippy - but no freezing temps and so pasture as well as everything else is greening up.

as baby was born last sunday my first milking was monday. i started keeping the milk friday. oh man, is it ever wonderful. i am just in love. i skimmed fresh cream off the top for my coffee this morning and was in heaven, as were the girls. they love coffee. seriously. they came to us that way, the youngest preferring it adult strength with milk and sugar while the oldest two like "milky coffee" as it is only about 1/3 coffee.

darla, funny you mention dr pol as we just introduced the girls to him tonight. we watched two episodes, and they loved it. we do NO tv regularly, and no phones or devices or computers for them at all. none. so 1 or 2 nights per week we have a movie night or watch an episode of something neat on tv like alaska last frontier or dr pol. they learn so much so fast about things.

we just watched the old version of willy wonka last weekend and they loved it. sound of music was over christmas and they loved that too. older movies capture their little minds so much better and they talk about them over and over; newer movies just zombiefy them and dont create interesting discussions at all... so we have pretty much stopped watching new movies unless they are exceptional (like "wonder").

well i hope maryjane isn't too concerned over anna, i am sure she will be fine. take care ladies and hello to all!
maryjane Posted - Feb 24 2018 : 1:36:50 PM
Yikes, heading down to check on Anna.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 24 2018 : 10:15:14 AM
Hello Darla. You don't know how good Almond blossoms sound. Have a splendid time and enjoy the blossoms and parade for us all. We will wait patiently with you for LacyLou's arrival. All in good time.
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Feb 24 2018 : 10:00:20 AM
Good Morning All,

It's been a busy week and nothing to report on Miss LacyLou. I guess March 10th-ish it is.

The weather......We have had frost or frozen ground and roof tops every morning for a week now. The wind chill has been unreal for here in the valley. We went from tank tops a few weeks ago to bone cold with wind and hail two nights ago.

I am sorry to hear about Anna, MaryJane. For those of you that get the slippery ice, or have concrete that may get slick please be very careful and keep an eye on your animals if they go down. I watch old Dr. Pol on t.v., and he went on a call for a horse that went down on slippery concrete. He checked it seemed fine, next day it was dead. The owner called him back out, and he checked eye lid color and inner lip and they were white. Stumped as to the cause of death he was granted permission from the owner to do an autopsy. What he found was when the horse went down it tore a large artery in it's back leg and bled out. I am not trying to scare anyone, but it was a freaky thing and just keep an eye out when they go down.

Janet, sorry to hear Joe went down. It is so scary. On the way back from picking up LL, we stopped at a rest area that had slick spots and an older gentleman in the truck parked next to us went straight down. Scared us all to death, but he was okay. More startled than hurt, thank goodness.

Off to the Almond Blossom parade this afternoon, and the carnival tonight. All I am interested in is a big ole Caramel Apple. The almond trees are in full bloom and look so pretty right now. Looks as they have all been snowed on.

Have a Wonderful Day
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 24 2018 : 08:55:28 AM
Good morning MaryJane. That was a scary thing to happen to Anna. I keep watching my gals. I've seen Nellie slip a time or two, but she hasn't gone down that I'm aware of. Glad Anna is okay. When going after my car yesterday, (it was in the garage, needed a new battery), when I got out of the truck I said to Joe, "be careful, it's really slick here." I had just gotten into my car and looked in my rearview mirror, to see Joe go down, bang. He didn't get hurt, but this freezing rain and ice thing is wearing out it's welcome. But then you see things like this which are quite pretty. We have freezing rain again this morning. Very slippery underfoot.