T O P I C R E V I E W |
maryjane |
Posted - May 22 2014 : 4:30:47 PM Yesterday, I took Eliza Belle to the WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital for her Bangs vaccination. She wasn't too happy about the required ear tattoo or the metal ear tag they adorned her with, even though I told her it was all the rage.

Back home sulking. Time for some treats!

9 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
farmlife |
Posted - Jan 11 2016 : 9:13:04 PM Good to know. You would think that it would make sense that way, otherwise every cow in the herd would have to be the same age or never give a bangs vaccine. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 5:54:03 PM Betsy was vaccinated when Clover was pregnant and the vet knew and never raised any concerns. |
farmlife |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 1:40:29 PM Thanks, Janet. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 03:32:11 AM http://www.fao.org/docrep/011/t1265e/t1285e02.htm#TopOfPage |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 03:17:57 AM I found some info where the vaccine can cause problems for humans, but haven't found any info on harm to other herd animals. Will post the info I did find and continue to research. https://www.indimmune.com/ahbovinebru.html Just cautions exposure to vaccine when administered. http://www.cdc.gov/brucellosis/veterinarians/cattle.html |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 10 2016 : 02:44:39 AM No, I haven't ever heard that. I was to understand you couldn't give it to pregnant cows but haven't heard anything about not giving to heifer if there are existing pregnant cows. It that were true, then you would have a hard time vaccinating at all. I will see what I can find by researching more about the Bang's vaccine. Learn something new everyday. |
txbikergirl |
Posted - Jan 09 2016 : 6:02:16 PM i can tell you that we just vaccinated elsa for this in october 2015 (at 4 months) when we brought her to the farm, and the only other animal in our herd was her mother sally that was pregnant at the time. everyone knew she was pregnant and this was not brought up.
so i look forward to seeing if there is something to this.. |
farmlife |
Posted - Jan 09 2016 : 5:44:23 PM I was recently told by a beef rancher that you can't give a bangs vaccine to heifers in your herd if you have existing cows that are pregnant or they can abort because it is a live vaccine. I would think that it would only apply to cows that haven't had the bangs vaccine because they hadn't built up immunity. Does anyone have experience in this area? |
Milkmaid Lorinda |
Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 7:40:21 PM Aw! We had three heifers done earlier this month. I have one cow left in my herd that didn't get it at her breeder's. She's due late Winter 2015. I want to bring her to ID in the Spring of 2016 when we relocate from KS. Can she nurse her calf after receiving the Adult BANGS? Is it a live or killed virus? What am I forgetting to ask? We kept the heifers far from her and observed a strict quarantine to protect her calf. It will sure be nice when all are vaccinated! |