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 Miniature Jersey Bull For SALE

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
starcattle2013 Posted - May 24 2015 : 3:18:56 PM
Star Cattle Buck is a yearling bull still looking for a home.
He is 95.5% miniature jersey and is registered under Heritage Jersey Organization.
Friendly and easy to work. He loves being around people, getting attention and being loved.
I am asking $2,000.

Here are updated picture of him and his dad.

Here is Star Cattle Pearl. His mom.

I am looking for a good home for him.

Please contact me with any questions
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
starcattle2013 Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 10:35:06 AM
He is polled
Originally posted by maryjane

Is he polled or been dehorned?

maryjane Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 09:07:54 AM
Is he polled or been dehorned?
CloversMum Posted - Dec 09 2015 : 08:57:49 AM
Beautiful bull!

I also smiled when I saw the cats in the background.
starcattle2013 Posted - Jun 02 2015 : 11:33:20 AM
Thank you so much. That is very sweet of you. :)

The two barn cats are brothers that try to make sure they are in every picture I take. Trouble makers
Originally posted by txbikergirl

i'm not in the running for a bull, but wanted to let you know how beautiful he is.

and i also like the second pick with the cats in the background.

Ron Posted - May 24 2015 : 5:21:58 PM
Nice, very nice! Lol..and close too..if I were in the market for a Jersey I'd be banging on your door
txbikergirl Posted - May 24 2015 : 4:11:21 PM
i'm not in the running for a bull, but wanted to let you know how beautiful he is.

and i also like the second pick with the cats in the background.