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 Cow sitter care taker available, central Oklahoma

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happyfarmwife Posted - May 19 2015 : 10:46:27 AM
It's vacation time, summer is just around the corner...don't you wish you could get away from the farm for a few days and know your babies are safe and cared for properly?????

I am an experienced FARM MOM, general farm hand critter-sitter available in central Oklahoma.
I have a lifetime of farmstead experience and understand how difficult it is to leave home and wonder if your farm family is safe and well cared for!
I AM VERY DETAIL ORIENTED and I will do my best to follow your routine and keep your babies healthy and happy in your absence!!!!!!!

I am currently hand milking 5 gallons+ a day from one of our Jersey girls so totally comfortable and capable of hand milking your dairy girls!!!! I know the importance of being calm and quiet in the milk shed!

I am available in central Oklahoma for critter care. Fees based on time required plus mileage. References available.
Contact Jen Massey 918-367-8907
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
happyfarmwife Posted - May 21 2015 : 07:14:46 AM
As for the critter sitting, it varies depending on time of year etc. Nothing much happening right now....seems nobody wants to leave home when the weather is so unsettled...too many bad storms, too much rain, flooding and more.
I have plenty to do with our own projects so don't mind the lack of demand....
maryjane Posted - May 21 2015 : 05:23:23 AM
Two from my family of miniature Jerseys (Etta Jane and Beau Vine) went to a new home in Oklahoma a few months ago. I forwarded this to them.
CloversMum Posted - May 19 2015 : 10:19:47 PM
Oh yes...I am in agreement with MaryJane! We'd keep you busy for sure! And, Ron, you just need to "Move West!"

Great service, Jen! Do you stay busy cow sitting?
Ron Posted - May 19 2015 : 7:42:39 PM
happyfarmwife Posted - May 19 2015 : 5:48:08 PM
I am a "net-worker" and love connecting with like-minded people! Thanks for the welcomes from so many. Look forward to a long enjoyable relationship with HJO.
Ron Posted - May 19 2015 : 5:04:04 PM
I saw the post first! Lol...
maryjane Posted - May 19 2015 : 3:48:37 PM
Too bad you don't live in N. Idaho next to both Charlene and me. We'd take you up your offer for sure!
happyfarmwife Posted - May 19 2015 : 1:52:09 PM
thanks for the offer.....a few years ago I would have taken you up on the move......but kind of settled where we are now.
Ron Posted - May 19 2015 : 1:33:55 PM
Hi Jen, welcome!

Move to western SD you'll have full time, part time, whatever time! Your hired! Lol..
NellieBelle Posted - May 19 2015 : 10:58:01 AM
Welcome to HJO Jen. Well, it would certainly be nice to have some one come in and chore when you wanted time away. Really great that you offer the service. It's one of the main reasons I don't go far. The animals/chores come first. So it's nice to know there are folks like yourself willing to take on the routine chores so folks can take time off.