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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Oct 22 2014 : 4:56:31 PM
Be back shortly with some explanations!

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ron Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 2:54:22 PM
Lol, me either until I started to buy from the breeder in Epworth and He handed me a health certificate and I asked what it was. Goes to show what I knew.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 2:49:26 PM
Oh Ron, I don't know anything about traveling bovine. Dairy or Beef. I can't get them from one pasture to the next let alone a different state.
Ron Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 2:35:21 PM
Yes I will vote for Mary Jane too! After all She is already doing all the work! Lol..and I think Janet said She will help? Now I am going to run and hide from both of you guys.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 1:13:55 PM
Yap, another book in the making to help us have all the information in one tidy place. Not to cause you more work MaryJane, but who better to do it than someone who has been through the process before. Could help many. Okay, I will go hide now.
Ron Posted - Oct 23 2014 : 1:48:05 PM
Good things take time
maryjane Posted - Oct 23 2014 : 1:38:35 PM
UPDATE: This is turning into quite the research project. I'm trying to master a cheat sheet that we can all use but ... it ain't no slam dunk! Typing, googling, calling. Soon!

CloversMum Posted - Oct 23 2014 : 09:23:48 AM
So many documents...passports for bovines!
Ron Posted - Oct 22 2014 : 6:00:25 PM
A well documented bovine