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 Umbilical Cords & Iodine

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
farmlife Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 06:08:34 AM
What kind of iodine is best to dip a new calf's umbilical cord?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Jun 18 2015 : 10:16:19 AM
Agree with MaryJane 200%!! Dip, spray, dip, spray...whatever it takes! No one needs any sort of infection as those systemic infections are life-threatening for the calves! Not to mention heart-breaking on us humans.

maryjane Posted - Jun 15 2015 : 12:01:36 PM
To treat a calf's umbilical cord, I put Betadine into a stainless steel 1/2 measuring cup and immerse the area surrounding the cord while the calf is standing (gather up all the skin into the cup and push up toward the body). To treat the cord when the calf is lying down, I put Betadine into a small spray bottle and disinfect it that way.

I disinfect at least once/day while the cord is still moist. Once it dries off and falls off you have to be vigilant again because that leaves a small opening/wound again for bacteria to invade. Spray, spray, spray and then spray some more. We've had several near-death experiences shared here from owners whose calves picked up a systemic bacterial infection through their cords.

farmlife Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 4:06:53 PM
Perfect. Thanks. I'm getting my lists together and trying to make sure I don't forget anything.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 07:17:44 AM
I don't know about best, but I use Betadine Solution, 10% Povidone-iodine Topical Solution.
maryjane Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 07:14:21 AM
Betadine works. It's a brand name and what they sell at my local feed store. The generic name is povidone-iodine. Here's an example of one that would work (undiluted):

I put mine into a 1/2 cup stainless steel measuring cup and then I gather up any bit of hanging cord into the cup and then go up with the cup and cover (drench) the entire area where the cord comes out (all of that area kind of hangs down so it's easiest to do when the calf is standing).