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 Chiropractic Adjustment for Calf

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Aug 31 2016 : 07:53:00 AM
Our newest calf, Ian, who experienced a difficult birth didn't rally as well as all my other calves during his first few days. He was first pulled by chains and then delivered by C-section,

Ian's gait and stilted stiffness didn't seem right. And his left front foot turned out pretty dramatically. He tried to run and jump but something was off, so yesterday I traded my body works guy some garlic and produce for a calf session (he's not really a chiropractor even though he received training for that as well as going to medical school). Anyway, all of us here swear by his touch--I've been going to him for 4 years. It took him about 15 minutes and he completely fixed little Ian. He said that all the tugging and pulling put his back and hips out in addition to wrapping his knee tendon around the wrong side. I held Ian while Bobby pulled and yanked things back into place. He said another 100 pounds on him and some of the damage might be permanent. Immediately after, little Ian jumped up and began to twist around and chase his tail for a couple of hours. It was hilarious. He was so excited by his new limberness and his straight leg, he bounced around and frolicked in a way he hadn't yet.

Also, I wanted to point out the wisdom behind the notion that a universal indicator of good health in our bovine friends is when a cow, bull, or calf stretches upon standing. Ian wasn't stretching. But he sure does now after his adjustment. I watched him stretch every muscle in his body this morning.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Sep 06 2016 : 12:09:33 PM
This is so great! What a wonderful story!
txbikergirl Posted - Sep 01 2016 : 5:40:28 PM
i have been telling everyone about this. its so great.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 01 2016 : 06:36:00 AM
It brings such joy to hear Ian is doing so much better after his adjustment. What a thrill it is to hear he is jumping and stretching and feeling vim and vigor as he should.