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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TonyMan Posted - Jan 19 2016 : 7:15:17 PM
Has anyone heard of this site:
I found it when I was searching the web on general dairy layouts for our dairy barn. It seems like a good resource. I just had not heard of it before and was wondering if any of you guys had?


4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Caren Posted - Jan 21 2016 : 11:53:20 AM

Thank you for the information about the connection to Bob-White. I buy most of my dairy supplies from Bob-White and always find them very knowledgeable. They also started offering lab services which is so great.
txbikergirl Posted - Jan 20 2016 : 6:17:25 PM
my first thought is that not much effort has been put into it. there are only a couple of states listed, and no dairies for texas. we are a raw milk state, but we can only purchase raw milk ON the farm - so a great state to list on a site such as this. there are other sites and tons of texas dairies listed.

not that it couldn't be moving toward something powerful, just not there at this point.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 20 2016 : 09:43:59 AM
Familiar with BobWhite systems, but handy to have the new alternative dairy initiative american micro dairies handy too. Thank you both!
maryjane Posted - Jan 19 2016 : 9:39:27 PM
They've had a name change to Alternative Dairy Initiative but it looks like they're still around ... somewhat. Here's their Facebook page for starters:

and more about the name change. It's the non-profit branch of BobWhiteSystems: