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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mike Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 08:42:13 AM
http://journeytoforever check out the small farm library section
with downloadable books. Downloadable books

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 29 2016 : 06:47:31 AM
The book I mentioned in chit chat portion, The Complete Herbal Handbook For Farm and Stable by Juliette de Bairacli Levy. Covers treatments for sheep, goats, cows, horses, poultry, sheep-dogs and natural care for Bees.
txbikergirl Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 4:21:19 PM
thanks for the recommendation caren, i just ordered a copy of "A Holistic Vet's Prescription for a Healthy Herd" by Richard J. Holliday, DVM and Jim Helfter. i plan to test out this whole mineral buffet idea post sally's calving (may 9th) so trying to educate myself. i am an accountant so not naturally inclined toward this stuff.
Caren Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 12:56:07 PM

I just saw under the "minerals" topic some information about ABC minerals, that is where I saw the Dr Holliday book for sale. I would love to hear any inputs about the loose mineral system. I sent a mineral panel on one of my cows to a vet that consults for mineral companies and she suggested this free-choice system. But as the posts revealed it doesn't seem Cow user friendly. My cow was a bit high in a few minerals, but not deficient in anything so I am happy about that. ;)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 07:08:53 AM
I thought I had better add that there are audio books, both human read and computer generated if any would like that feature. Check it out and you will see what all they provide. :)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 06:15:31 AM
Yes, I believe you are correct. And that just goes to prove that it's right. I didn't retain what I read from the plasma screen. Thanks MaryJane. Good to know you've got my back, (or mind).
maryjane Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 05:20:16 AM
That IS the problem with all the various outlets now available to us on the Internet. It's like a running river. Here right now this very minute and gone, not tomorrow, but in five seconds. It's maddening. I think you read that on my blog because you liked it on Facebook when my son, Brian, alerted it there:)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 05:03:00 AM
It's a great resource and so many books. I read a book yesterday from my computer, but it just plays havoc with my eyes. The Kindle is better, but I still like book in hand. I read somewhere that they have found that it is better for you also.(reading from book). I will have to try and find that information and post it. If I could remember where I read things that would be such a help. :(
maryjane Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 04:50:19 AM
Good to know, Janet. This sounds like a great resource for Nick who loves his Kindle. I keep forgetting that he bought me a Kindle also--I'm such a hard-copy book worm. Thanks so much!
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 04:00:10 AM
Many books, especially classics may be read, free ebooks, at They may be downloaded to your kindle if you choose. Many of you are probably aware of this but for some of you who do not know I felt it may be of benefit to some. They have over 50,000 free ebooks. I'm not able to read from my computer or Kindle for an extended period, but for those that are able, it's a wonderful service.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 23 2016 : 1:42:54 PM
I'm still reading The Sot-Weed Factor. I find it challenging at times because of the language, expressions, but I'm enjoying it. It has surprised me more than once. I do enjoy things that challenge the mind. Hope you enjoy it.
maryjane Posted - Feb 23 2016 : 12:33:05 PM
Janet, I got my copy of The Sot-Weed Factor. More reading. And now Dr. Holliday. I'll check but I think I have his book, Caren. Nope, I have Paul Dettloff's (DVM) book called Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals. If you get the book, let us know what you think and if you recommend it.
Caren Posted - Feb 23 2016 : 12:17:19 PM

This weekend at Mother Earth Fair I heard of a good book for cattle, "A Holistic Vet's Prescription for a Healthy Herd" by Richard J. Holliday, DVM and Jim Helfter.
I spoke a bit with a vet giving a seminar about the "mineral smorgasbord idea" and she recommended this book. She had lots great info about poultry health as well. Dr. Holliday has a blog and some informational articles about dairy cows.
Ron Posted - Dec 03 2015 : 05:59:52 AM
Sure I laid it here somewhere .....anyone seen my idiots guide to hand milking ?
maryjane Posted - Dec 03 2015 : 12:09:27 AM
Sheaffer book on its way. I also have Dettlof's (DVM) Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals (he has several pages of recipes for homeopathic tinctures for mastitis--common ingredients are kelp, garlic, and Vit C).

Here's the blurb on The Sheaffer book:

"Over the past 50 years, a dangerous set of technologies has crept into beef and dairy farms and ranches. Technologists have succeeded in pushing the pounds of milk that can be extracted from a cow higher and higher and throwing pounds of weight on beef cattle faster. But it came with a price. The average age of dairy cow burnout has dropped for almost a decade. Infections are rampant. New diseases and health maladies have appeared. Drug use and vet bills have skyrocketed. The healthfulness of milk and beef has been questioned. In this breakthrough book subtitled A Farmer's Guide to Low-Cost, Non-Toxic Veterinary Care of Cattle, Dr. Sheaffer passes along his hard-learned knowledge - in language farmers can understand - of how to care for the herd in a healthy, holistic manner. Utilizing homeopathy - an effective, non-toxic form of medicine derived from herbs and other natural substances - as well as other healing alternatives, he will teach you to truly understand the cause behind a disease condition, and then how to treat the entire animal for that condition. Using case studies and practical examples from both dairy and beef operations, Dr. Sheaffer covers such topics as: creating a holistic operation; organics and homeopathy; prescribing; mastitis and fertility-related problems; and the Materia Medica, keynotes and nosodes. Also includes a convenient section that lists specific conditions and remedies. Whether you're a beginning farmer of lifelong cattleman, this hands-on guide will prove to be nothing short of a revolution for your herd."
CloversMum Posted - Nov 28 2015 : 11:40:13 AM
Thanks, Janet, for adding the above book to the list. I'm amused as I look at my bookshelf and see how the book selection has slowly morphed ... so many more farm books, cow books. I love it.
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 28 2015 : 03:28:48 AM
Homeopathy for the Herd by C. Edgar Sheaffer VMD, I've seen this book mentioned before, so when a couple of you have informed us of the information that you have gleaned from it, thought I would put it here where we may find it again. Thanks everyone.
txbikergirl Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 4:35:56 PM
LOVE that it is written in the 1800's Charlene. I am attempting to assemble a small farm library, but I won't purchase anything after WWI. I really prefer pre-1900.

It always amazes me how far along they really were even in late 1800s, we have a tendency to think we are on the cutting edge and we didn't get this way until 1950 ;> but they knew more in 1810 than I'll probably ever know
CloversMum Posted - Nov 09 2015 : 08:54:14 AM
Another interesting read for the history of the Jersey Cow:

The Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsey Cow: Their History, Nature and Management: Showing How to Choose a Good Cow, How to Feed, To Manage, To Milk, and to Breed to the Most Profit

Author: Willis P. Hazard and Edward P.P. Fowler (Leopold Classic Library) Originally written in the late 1800's.

Free download of the book is available here:
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 30 2015 : 09:53:12 AM
I found this book/booklet on eBay. It's worth it for the little drawings alone but it is full of information and printed in 1951. Cattle Husbandry Lederle Laboratories Division, American Cyanamid Company. I will post a photo or two. Just thought others may be interested. albeit the information is outdated it is a little history on how things were done. Also a section on diseases and the treatments they used. Interesting to say the least.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 25 2015 : 10:44:25 AM
I'm anxious for all the new calves arriving and they're not even mine. Can't wait but, but all in good time. Hope all goes smoothly for Sweetheart.
maryjane Posted - Mar 25 2015 : 09:59:56 AM
Thanks Janet. Just ordered it. Still working on three kits: Emergency, Calving, and Starter, and thought her book might help with the calving kit. So far, I have what I think I need for Sweetheart all laid out and ready to go.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 25 2015 : 09:52:17 AM
In case any of you are interested, I had a book buried behind other books that I think could be of great benefit. Essential Guide to Calving, Giving Your Beef or Dairy Herd a Healthy Start by Heather Smith Thomas.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 12:53:29 PM
Thank you Mike. Wish I could store your knowledge in my brain. Thank you for sharing all the information and sites. Valuable info.
Mike Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 11:26:35 AM
Oh boy, I am in trouble now! Reading is sure addictive, isn't it. I just got the last of the Louis Bromfield books dealing with Malabar Farm and read half of it last night.

The gist of all the early organic books was: have humus and feed it. If you don't have it, make it by adding a lot of organic matter to the soil and jump start it with composted material, but most definitely have bacteria, fungi and little critters in your compost or soil. They are essential. They produce organic acids that dissolve the mineral material in soil and make the individual chemical elements available to the plant root system in a soluble form.

Bromfield and his men generated topsoil from raw glacial gravels at the rate of several inches per year and grew crops better than the virgin soil had done. He was not strict organic, using some NPK fertilizer to jump start the organic processes. Newman Turner was strict organic and achieved the same results with copious compost use. The composting giant was of course Sir Albert Howard.

Glad you enjoy gardening. Healthy soils mean healthy plants and animals, hence healthy and productive humans.

tcboweevil Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 09:34:43 AM
Good morning, Mike, these are GREAT resources. Thanks. I've already been looking at the journeytoforever site.

Hope Valerie continues to feel better each day.

I talked to Mr. Russell. He will be doing a clinic the first or last weekend in March. He will email me the dates. The kids and I will be going. If you and Valerie decide to go, I have a small bumper pull camper and will be staying at the rv camp there. I can always make room.