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 Herbal book

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Jan 22 2015 : 09:12:28 AM
I am reading a book that is full of great information, natural & herbal care of farm animals. It was first published in 1952 and has lots of practical ideas and suggestions for improved animal health.

The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable
author: Juliette de Bairacli Levy
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Jan 24 2015 : 05:44:16 AM
Last night I ordered three of the books mentioned above. Thanks again for listing them! Hopefully, I can get a bunch of reading done on my current books this weekend before the new ones arrive.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 23 2015 : 08:42:21 AM
You guys are great! Thank you! I have Pat Coleby's book on goats and have enjoyed it.

Love this list!
Ron Posted - Jan 23 2015 : 05:59:57 AM

He also has books on goats sheep and horses.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 23 2015 : 04:06:33 AM
Cure Your Own Cattle, and Fertility Pastures by Newman Turner. Alternative Treatments for Ruminant Animals, by Paul Dettloff D.V.M and, The Barn Guide, Practical Organic Cow Care for Farmers by Hubert J. Karreman, VMD and I already posted a picture of the The Cattle Health Handbook Preventive Care, Disease Treatments & Emergency Procedures,by Heather Smith Thomas
CloversMum Posted - Jan 22 2015 : 9:11:19 PM
Ron and mentioned the authors of the books you have or are reading. Now, what are the titles?? Remember, I'm a newbie and still collecting good books for my already full bookcase! :-)
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 22 2015 : 3:55:00 PM
I find him very interesting. Before his time so to speak. Or we, behind the times. ? Anyway fascinating people and will be doing more reading. Thanks for introducing me to him.
Mike Posted - Jan 22 2015 : 3:32:29 PM
How do you like Turner's book(s)? He had some great pals, like Dame Levy and Sir Albert Howard.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 22 2015 : 11:43:55 AM
I see that book is mentioned in the book I'm reading. Newman Turner mentions that book as a resource he used for treating his cows with herbs. Thank you Charlene.
Ron Posted - Jan 22 2015 : 09:28:24 AM
I think I have thst next to the Pat Colby book.