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 Frost Free Non-Electric Waterers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Nov 16 2020 : 12:36:39 PM
Hello All,

I am in need of some advise on waterers.

Here in California I do not have frost or freezing problem. Just usual and constant cleaning of the troughs.

In Washington with the snow and frost will be a different story.

I beliveve Janet has put in the Bar Bar A's.

Are they inside or outside? I will need some outside.

There is another brand called Drinking Post. Same idea as the Bar Bar A.

If anyone has any recommendations on either, or anything you would like to say about them, please let me know. I am open to hearing the good and the bad.

Thank you to who ever would like to comment.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Nov 16 2020 : 4:03:55 PM
I like the BarBarA's; not familiar with Drinking Post. We had an extra BarBarA (for when I used to raise more calves), so we delivered it to Charlene this morning for half the price of a new one. Just make sure you don't do what one women did, install it under the eave of a barn, thinking protection, but all it does is get buried in the snow that comes off the roof.