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 Milk cow decor, Let's play ball!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 11:24:27 AM
pentagon ball!
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ron Posted - Mar 08 2015 : 10:36:06 AM
Don't forget the catnip for Jasper and his new friend
maryjane Posted - Mar 08 2015 : 09:06:30 AM
I can't wait to make some of these with the grandgirls for Jasper. It just so happens I have a kit for these:)
chives Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 7:08:03 PM
That is just cute.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 2:07:54 PM
My three knock this around pretty good without the catnip.
Ron Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 1:45:51 PM
Milk cow kitchen line of pet toys?
Ron Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 1:45:14 PM
Cats would love that!
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 1:41:23 PM
No, no catnip. Could easily be done though.
Ron Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 1:05:31 PM
tcboweevil Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 12:13:13 PM
looks like fun!
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 11:33:30 AM
Ha! Funny one Janet!
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 11:29:07 AM
Actually, I and the cat's have a "ball."
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 06 2015 : 11:25:41 AM
It's so cute! Like a little soccer ball. Have fun playing with that! ;)