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NellieBelle Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 09:02:28 AM
MaryJane, the Moo-n Over Main Street Metropolis books turned out so beautiful. What beautiful work. Congratulations to both you and Megan, and Karina. Just fantastic. Love, love, love, them.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Aug 31 2015 : 2:34:09 PM
You are most welcome, Ginger! Thank you for buying it.
GingerBKelly Posted - Aug 31 2015 : 11:07:44 AM
I bought one for my granddaughter. It is an absolutely wonderful book! Thank you, MaryJane!
CloversMum Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 8:57:43 PM
Please tell Nick "Thank you", MaryJane. I am getting a copy for my sweet little grandson. He's only six months old but absolutely loves looking at books and having them read to him.
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 11:11:24 AM
I need to buy that book, too. So cute! I love it!
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 11:04:44 AM
Congratulations on the new grand baby Ron and Elaine!
Ron Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 10:36:16 AM
Yep have to order one for the new grand baby when the rest come in. Let us know.
maryjane Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 10:12:35 AM
Nick set one aside for you!
CloversMum Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 09:35:04 AM
Thanks Janet and MaryJane...I didn't even think to look under the "Buy the Book" section. I figured that was just the Milk Cow Kitchen book.

MaryJane, I'd love to put in an order for my grandson so will mosy on over to the correct section!...some other things I've ordered are also being delayed due to the workers' strike on the West Coast.
maryjane Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 09:22:11 AM
We have a couple books left but our initial box (shipped air) is gone and the rest of the order is sitting on the dock on the West Coast caught up in the workers' strike that is happening there.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 09:20:39 AM
Charlene. Go to "Buy the Book" section in this forum and it's listed along with MaryJane's other books.
CloversMum Posted - Feb 23 2015 : 09:06:48 AM
Where can we order a copy?
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 21 2015 : 2:20:46 PM
Congrats! Good Work!