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 My Birthday Tea Towels

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Feb 09 2015 : 8:40:38 PM
My dear mom surprised me with a set of tea towels for my birthday! She gave me my favorite three designs that she embroiders...what treasures!

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 11 2015 : 09:14:49 AM
Yes, and when you look at your pillowcases, you do remember don't you? It's like I told Joe, every time I grab a dish towel to wipe dishes I see the embroidery and think of momma. I'm pleased and I know she would be. So they do have an uplifting charm about them.
CloversMum Posted - Feb 11 2015 : 08:54:39 AM
Thanks, Sydney and Janet. Your towels are darling as well, Janet. Love the tablecloth...that represents so many hours of love poured into it. And, I'm glad you are using them...definitely no good sitting hidden away. I had some pillowcases edged with beautiful delicate lace done by my great grandmother. They were sitting on my linen shelf for years and I never got to enjoy them. So I've decided to get them out and put them on my bed (now I don't let anyone use those pillows! lol but at least they are out where I can see them and remember my sweet "Gamie".
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 1:21:38 PM
I love the farm themes too Sydney. Chicken (hen) reminds me of the Little Red Hen story.
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 12:59:13 PM
Those are all beautiful. Charlene, I LOVE the farm theme. Tell your mom she gets many compliments.
I like yours too, Janet;)
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 10 2015 : 12:49:51 PM
Very lovely towels Charlene. Love all three designs. I know what you mean. My momma is gone now, but she was always embroidering or crocheting beautiful pieces. Like you, I treasure them all. I have several doilies she made me but my favorite is the crochet tablecloth she made me, when I married. I'm sure she had given up hope. LOL. I just took a set of dish towels with kittens embroidered on them, out of the cedar chest. I didn't want to use them, but decided that they are no good in the chest. She made them to be used. I'm saving the Rootin-tootin dog set for my son.