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 Chalkboard Decals

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Dec 14 2015 : 08:30:25 AM
Last week when I was over at MaryJane's farm, I admired a large chalkboard wall decal (a cow, of course!) that was in their commercial kitchen. Lo and behold, it is featured in her book ... I had forgotten and MJ directed me to page 365. :-)

I love it! I started searching and you can find a whole collection of farm animals that are chalkboard! But, I have not been able to find any goats or ducks ... some very cute chickens, roosters, and chicks though.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Dec 14 2015 : 12:48:37 PM
Oh, Janet, how lovely! That's exactly what I want to do when we get our dairy barn! I love the larger size too! I would also like to find other farm animals like my ducks, chickens and dairy goats.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 14 2015 : 09:34:51 AM
I have the milk cow large chalkboard decal in my barn also. I don't know if I will get one for the future parlor or not, but it's cute.