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maryjane Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 1:15:49 PM
I'm playing with photo functionality today. Here's a shot of our wall decor.

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 31 2015 : 07:42:31 AM
Of course. :) I don't remember, I've collected antique quilts and sewing machines for many years. Now I wonder what for? I guess for my enjoyment. Old things intrigue me. I'm pulled toward things I have to figure out or wonder how they worked. I think that's the excitement. The craftsmanship is outstanding. I find the older machines beautiful and some quite artistic. The hand quilting on some of my quilts, I just can't get over it. I know today's machines do a quick and nice job and I'v had several of mine machine quilted, but I like hand quitling better. Like the looks of it and I think of the women who were so incredibly busy years ago, and the work that went into those quilts. I've hand quilted four or five now and it takes time. I'm rattling. sorry.
maryjane Posted - Jan 31 2015 : 07:32:18 AM
Speaking of collections, your sewing machine collection is priceless Janet. How many years did it take you to find all those? But of course, the separated-at-birth thing, I have a collection of adult treadle heads on shelves above a room ...
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 31 2015 : 04:55:54 AM
Ron, milk cows aren't collections, they're family! So I can have as many as I like and it still wouldn't be a collection. How many is too many? :)
Sydney2015 Posted - Jan 31 2015 : 04:23:07 AM
That's really pretty MaryJane!;)
Ron Posted - Jan 31 2015 : 04:20:47 AM
Just maybe one more cow!
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 31 2015 : 04:10:22 AM
No more collections. I'm collected out. Been there, done that. LOL.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 9:43:08 PM
See, Janet? A new idea for a new collection?

Let us know what Lucas says, MaryJane. Those are darling.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 3:35:54 PM
I don't have much wall art. A couple paintings. I have a old Dehorner my dad gave me. I don't think I could lift it and use it at the same time it's so heavy. And some sort of contraption that goes on a cow to keep the calf from sucking. I suppose I should hang them up in the basement.
Ron Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 3:15:31 PM
I've got a few antique print wall hangings of cows I will have to dig out and dust off. Left over from Elaines antique store back in the day.
maryjane Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 2:15:29 PM
I will ask Lucas. The people that he and Meg buy such things from for our store rotate and discontinue items fairly routinely. But I will check!
CloversMum Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 2:06:28 PM
Do you still sell them in your store? Or are they available on line?
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 1:58:28 PM
That is really neat MaryJane.
maryjane Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 1:40:01 PM
It's about 20 inches across by 16 high. We have several different styles. We used to sell them in our store. Roseco!
CloversMum Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 1:35:02 PM
Pretty fun! How big is this? Looks like something Janet would like to collect? Fits right in with some of her other beautiful collections!