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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 07:35:40 AM
With all the new parlors/barns going up.
22   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
txbikergirl Posted - Nov 12 2016 : 09:30:32 AM
the weathervane is gorgeous janet. can't wait to see it in place.
GingerBKelly Posted - Nov 08 2016 : 06:32:40 AM
The poem is perfect, Janet. I love it, donkey tails and such.

I'd like to get a weathervane. Thanks for the advise, Mary Jane.

I really like the cow and calf one, shown on the first post. Where can I find one of those? I looked at the Cape Cod weathervanes website and did a little search. I didn't see one like that.

Gee, who would have known.....Cape Cod.....a great place for weathervanes? That's my neck of the woods.
CloversMum Posted - Nov 06 2016 : 05:10:15 AM
Oh yes, that cow weathervane is perfect Janet!
maryjane Posted - Nov 06 2016 : 04:57:36 AM
I'd forgotten about this thread. Very cool. I think I need a cow weather vane, too.
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 06 2016 : 03:32:24 AM
I found my weathervane! Don't know if I will put it on the parlor or display it inside somewhere. But, I like it.
CloversMum Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 8:49:25 PM
Okay ... more weathervanes, but nothing too expensive! My barn that is being built right now will eventually be my chicken barn ... hence, the rooster weathervane. The other barn that we are seriously considering next will be my cow and goat barn ... so perhaps I could find an inexpensive black weathervane with goats and cows on it. Considering the wind that we do get up on our hill, we will see how the weathervanes do. My kids are paying close attention to the wind and the direction of it ... love watching the weather and skies out here.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 7:52:27 PM
Country school teachers had some neat artistic ideas for children to work on. I remember a cut out of a cat that my dad made in country school. Also a little wooden box. I have the box but don't know what happened to the cat. Also a little wooden shoe that my mother made.
maryjane Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 7:44:47 PM
Adorable and amazing to me that you still have your friend's poem. These crafting ideas were before TV and Pinterest you know.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 7:38:42 PM
I had to laugh too when I read this. I have a little donkey with a little poem. A friend made it in country school many years ago. He is gone now but I've kept it.
maryjane Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 7:32:56 PM
It was called a burrometer.
maryjane Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 7:19:50 PM
I just remembered something that made me laugh out loud. Hanging in my father's shop was a little something he made that my mother probably told him needed to stay in his shop. He'd cut out a piece of wood and using the tip of a soldering iron (probably trying out a new one) etched a donkey. For the donkey's tail he drilled a hole and put a piece of twine coming out from the back. Below it, he etched a poem something like: If tail is moving, no concern. If tail is straight out, take cover. If tail is gone, kiss your ass goodbye.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 7:01:11 PM
Seriously, they used the weathervanes, wind vanes to help them with the weather. This was before weather forecasts and fancy weather stations. They (farmers) and earlier, used the on the farm to help them determine weather. Some were put on houses as well as barns and other buildings. Even churches in earlier times. There is something quaint and traditional about them. There is quite a bit of interesting history on the internet about weathervanes. Enjoy.
maryjane Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 6:52:00 PM
The vainer of the vainest is totally, like, vain about weathervanes.

Sad but true story (I didn't want to rain on anyone's vain), but we put the large copper Great Blue Heron weathervane ( on the peak of our silo years ago, four stories up. There was nothing cheap about it except for the workmanship. The heron flew off during the first windstorm. It resides in our shop now, hanging on a piece of wire strung from the rafters. Moral of the story? Put up as many vanes as your proud heart desires but don't be grandiose about it.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 6:29:21 PM
I didn't know there was a limit. I think it's up to you Charlene. Before our first barn was blown away by tornado, we had a beautiful Three Pine tree weathervane. And my folks gifted Colton with a weathervane that he promptly put on the brooder house. So...
CloversMum Posted - Oct 26 2015 : 4:30:50 PM
My weathervane was not nearly expensive as those ... for that price I am not sure I could enjoy them! I got mine off of ebay and yes it is simple but it still adds a touch of charm. Now my question is, if I have more than one barn, can I have more than one weathervane? Or should just one barn on the farm have the weathervane? You may laugh, but I am asking a serious question! Would it be too much charm, turning into clutter?
Andrea0509 Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 11:32:23 AM
This is definitely making me want a cow weathervane for my future barn! Love little unique touches like these! :)
maryjane Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 11:25:29 AM
Holy cow!!!! That price is over the moon.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 09:23:34 AM
Yes the cow jumping over the moon is a hoot, but the price is sad. $3395.00 for med. and $4695 for large. That $ can go into the parlor. :)
Mike Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 09:00:05 AM
That second one is a hoot! Whimsy and beauty.
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 08:07:19 AM
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 07:52:44 AM
That's the same one I picked. Yes it's for sale. Look under Copper Cow weathervane.
maryjane Posted - Oct 20 2015 : 07:43:48 AM
I want the second one!! Is it for sale?