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maryjane Posted - Nov 03 2014 : 09:27:03 AM
6 yo Reg Jersey Bull - $1200

Most people know him as "Bucky" - the famous bull.....

He is up for sale to anyone special enough to want a local legend!!!

And THE nicest Jersey bull you will ever come across.
Registered. Sound. Proven. Halter broke. Saddle broke. Trailers like a champ. Easy keeper.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 4:08:07 PM
Wow! Not many Bulls will let you do that! Cool!
Ron Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 2:23:15 PM
Too bad, you were taking about saddling up today were you not? Guess it won't be Bucky.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 1:53:20 PM
Poor fella. Thanks, just wondered what ever happened to him.
maryjane Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 1:43:06 PM
As it turns out, Bucky had some health issues.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 19 2015 : 1:31:12 PM
MaryJane, what ever happened to Bucky? Did he find a new home?
Ron Posted - Nov 03 2014 : 12:17:21 PM
Lol! I really like Bucky. I am soooooooooooooooo glad he is that far from me. I would need that like a root canal, but he is just so nice a looking animal.
maryjane Posted - Nov 03 2014 : 11:24:14 AM
:):):) Exactly what you need Janet--grab that bull by the horns! No Ron, not bringing Bucky home with me. Gonna saddle up one of my own!
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 03 2014 : 11:17:09 AM
You mean MaryJane, not me, I've enough problems to iron out. Nice looking bull.
Ron Posted - Nov 03 2014 : 10:55:52 AM
Well, when you going to get Him! Lol
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 03 2014 : 10:14:15 AM
Wow! He looks quite large. Impressive.