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 CloverMum's Mom's Dish Towels

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Oct 27 2014 : 4:39:27 PM
Aren't these adorable?

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Dec 31 2015 : 8:01:06 PM
Thanks all! My mom does sell her tea towels at our local farmers market and on our farm's website.
Andrea0509 Posted - Dec 31 2015 : 7:20:47 PM
These are so so special Charlene! What a sweet gift and such talent. I'm guessing she would have many customers here in HJO if she ever went into selling them. Beautiful :)
txbikergirl Posted - Dec 31 2015 : 7:08:08 PM
these towels put a smile on my face charlene. your mom is obviously a gem.
CloversMum Posted - Dec 31 2015 : 09:53:16 AM
Thank you. Yes my mom is one talented lady. Her sewing and handiwork skills are amazing. She's taught me a lot for which I'm grateful.
Ron Posted - Dec 31 2015 : 04:56:34 AM
Very very nice....what a talent....keepers
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 31 2015 : 04:25:24 AM
Those are darling Charlene. Momma's are special. What a loving and beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing.
CloversMum Posted - Dec 30 2015 : 9:17:09 PM
See what my mom made me for Christmas? Tea towels embroidered with each kind of farm animal we have on our farm now! Goat, cow, chicken and ducks! She even embroidered the ducks like their names. All my ducks are Indian Runners, but I have some Chocolate, Blue and Black runners.

I couldn't decide which one to put up so I put them all up on the oven handle.
CloversMum Posted - Oct 27 2014 : 7:26:18 PM
How fun is this! Pictures of my mom's, I mean MaryJane's towels! As soon as I saw these towels that my mom had embroidered, I told her that MaryJane would love them if she ever saw them. They are definitely on my Christmas list from my mom. Mom does beautiful handiwork and is fast...she taught me, but I'm definitely not as fast although I tend to be just as much of a perfectionist as she is when it comes to handiwork! She has embroidered several dish towels with different farm scenes... And, seriously, she does take orders. I have enjoyed having her with me at our farmers market booth. I'll pass on the compliments to my thank you!
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 27 2014 : 5:15:07 PM
Oh those are too cute! Love, love, love them. I think CloversMum's Mum is going to be busy. Nice handiwork!
Ron Posted - Oct 27 2014 : 4:50:04 PM
Uh,yeah. Now I want some. Have to talk to Charlene's Mom. :)