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NellieBelle Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 1:00:38 PM
My Jersey cow 2 canvas print arrived in the mail today. I will hang it up in the milk parlor with some other Cow prints when the parlor is finished. I think I will even hang my Milk Cow Kitchen milk can quilt in the main finished room. It gives me something to look forward to.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andrea0509 Posted - Jan 18 2016 : 10:35:50 AM
Adorable touches of detail! So cute :)
CloversMum Posted - Jan 17 2016 : 2:34:33 PM
Love seeing how you bring beauty to even a simple daily chore! Just darling. And it makes you feel happy just seeing it. That's what I am slowly trying to accomplish in my barns as well.
txbikergirl Posted - Jan 16 2016 : 7:14:20 PM
this is one of my favorite things in my milk parlor, it is inexpensive but makes me smile every day.

the hook is a $4 hook from lowes. i just love dragonflies. i am putting several of these hooks up so i can hang my coat, etc as i milk.

the broom/pan is strictly for cleaning up sally o'mally's feed mess. "someone" didn't listen to me when i said how big the stanchion's feed box should be in the milking parlor, so sally tends to "dribble" some food on the floor during milking. i just sweep it up and give it back to her. she actually looks forward to this now as we get towards the end of milking each day as she knows she'll get a little something extra at the end.

CloversMum Posted - Aug 05 2015 : 11:03:49 AM
This is great, Janet! Cute picture and am looking forward to seeing your final milking parlor!

Cindy, show and tell... would love to see your pictures as well!

I want to decorate but am waiting 'til I see the actual barn ... don't want to jinx anything! I do have two pictures of Clover and Betsy that would look darling printed on canvas so I may just decorate with pictures of my actual animals.
txbikergirl Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 8:27:35 PM
Janet, you are soooo a woman after my own heart! I have ordered two silly little pieces of art for my parlor and lover boy thinks I am crazy ;>
Sydney2015 Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 4:34:08 PM
It IS beautiful! I also can't wait to see it your parlor.
NellieBelle Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 3:43:50 PM
Thank you Victoria. I know it's not the important part, but the fun part. I will be so happy to be out of the mud and cold this winter. Still haven't seen the carpenter but I'm sure he will be around when he gets time. Everybody is so busy this time of year.
chives Posted - Aug 03 2015 : 3:17:59 PM
Janet, the picture is beautiful. I can see that in your parlor. Can't wait to see the pictures.