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NellieBelle Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 05:50:23 AM
MaryJane, did you ever purchase the harp that you saw some time back? If you don't have time to learn to play, you can always let one of the gals (cows) try their hooves at it. I know, you're all worried I've lost it, I'm hear to tell you I haven't but a little humor goes a long way.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ron Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 2:56:32 PM
NellieBelle Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 2:17:10 PM
Ron the last one reminds me of the one MaryJane posted some time back of Denmark's Dancing cows. Pretty cool. Thank you.
CloversMum Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 12:05:47 PM
Definitely dancing cows, Ron!!
Ron Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 12:00:20 PM

Ok's the real deal... 😀
CloversMum Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 11:47:26 AM
You mean, Janet, that dancing cow isn't real?? But, of course, the harp playing cow is doable with all the specialized training MaryJane has going on at her farm! But, seriously, where are you finding these great cow pictures??
Ron Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 11:07:51 AM
Lol....ya think.. :)
NellieBelle Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 10:05:01 AM
Modern technology, it's a wonder. ;)
Ron Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 09:12:19 AM
Well how about this !
NellieBelle Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 08:05:47 AM
Clicker training to harp playing. Doable.
maryjane Posted - Jul 21 2015 : 06:53:21 AM
Ha, I didn't buy it but now I wish I had. I'm thinking Ester Lily for harp lessons.