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 Real women bumper sticker

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mtngranny Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 05:53:29 AM
Where can I find the "real women milk cows" bumper sticker?

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mtngranny Posted - Apr 29 2016 : 12:03:26 PM

I called them and he will get back to me with total before he mails. Looks like it will be around $15, which is a bit steep for a bumper sticker, but I really do like it.

maryjane Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 3:47:34 PM
Totally. Where would we be without our supporting cast of characters, I mean, husbands?
txbikergirl Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 3:36:48 PM
and "Real Women dig men that support the purchase of real cows"
maryjane Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 12:43:07 PM
Nick was asking about: Real Men Dig Women Who Love Cows.
txbikergirl Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 11:38:24 AM
and the printing place is excellent ! quality, service, etc. it may not be as speedy as just ordering one off the internet, but nice people and you won't regret the little bit of time it takes to get to you.
maryjane Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 06:35:54 AM
Here's the information on how to order one:
maryjane Posted - Apr 26 2016 : 06:24:40 AM
I will check but we didn't print that particular version, just provided the template so you could get it printed like Cindy did. I'll get back to you later today.