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T O P I C    R E V I E W
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 5:25:27 PM
this is the new sign i had the etsy sign lady make for me our gates, "close the gate". she did the custom farm sign for us and used that same cow for these. you can even see our cute custom farm sign on her etsy now.

if you want one you can get one too!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 15 2016 : 6:08:15 PM
It's all in those special little touches. Cute factor at work.
CloversMum Posted - Mar 15 2016 : 2:47:18 PM
That Etsy shop has darling signs for all sorts of farm critters ... even honey bees!
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 08:12:32 AM
That is adorable!
CloversMum Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 5:30:45 PM