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 Milk Towels and Aprons!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 07:49:33 AM
Here are the pictures!

(you can see the full design for this one on the tag)
None of the oicutres are very good.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 08:11:22 AM
You're welcome! I feel the same way, I love it when I have some time to go looking at cute stores or at some antique stores(That's where the best stuff can be found!). I'm glad that you all like it!
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 05 2016 : 03:31:08 AM
Really nice items Sydney. Love the apron. I'm like Charlene, I could spend some time in your mercantile. I'm dangerous when I leave the farm. ;) Thank you for posting!
CloversMum Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 10:49:48 AM
Fun! And I think I could spend hours browsing in your mercantile, Sydney! What a delightful place to spend your time!
Andrea0509 Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 08:52:26 AM
Everything is so cute Sydney!! The towels are adorable :)