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 Milk cow cast iron shelf with hooks.

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NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 08:38:17 AM
I came across a cute and serviceable cast iron milk cow shelf with hooks. I can hang bottle brushes from the hooks etc. Just thought it would work in the parlor or even cow-wash room.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Mar 16 2016 : 05:38:43 AM
Simply adorable, Janet. I could have dozens of them:)
CloversMum Posted - Mar 10 2016 : 4:52:55 PM
Glad you like it even in person, Janet! It's on my wishlist ...

You'll have such a fun time finally decorating your milking parlor when it is completed and it will feel like you are cleaning out your basement at the same time! A double good feeling, for sure!
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 10 2016 : 09:15:21 AM
they are soooo cute! once i get caught up with projects i think i'll order some too. thanks for sharing janet.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 10 2016 : 08:41:37 AM
My cast iron milk cow shelf arrived today, and I like it. It's rustic charm, and color of Nellie's milk. Rich cream color. Quite heavy. My basement is filling up with decor for the parlor as well as milking equipment. It will be nice to get it all moved out and into the proper place.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 10:22:57 AM
I'm hoping they are sturdy little shelves.
Andrea0509 Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 09:33:02 AM
Janet these are simply adorable. Thanks for sharing the link ~ We just got done remodeling our farmhouse kitchen and (of course!) my decor has a lot of milk cow incorporated into it ;) So cute.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 09:22:04 AM
AA Importing manufactures them and the cheapest place I could find cost wise was Sears. Also ATG stores, I found it on eBay but the price was more than I cared to pay for it. $81.00 This is still a bit much but I'm only going to build a parlor once. ;) (hopefully)
CloversMum Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 09:10:18 AM
Yes! Please share the link where we can order this? Would love this in our milking parlor!!!!!
maryjane Posted - Feb 25 2016 : 09:00:37 AM
Gotta have 'em, too! Pray-tell where? Link?