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 Still using up scraps!

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NellieBelle Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 4:06:49 PM
I still have some Milk Cow Kitchen fabric that I am using up. Today I made a quilted square that I use to put under hot dishes.
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NellieBelle Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 11:47:29 AM
I hope so too Charlene. It's like a good friend and it gives me comfort and a sort of tonic that keeps me going. It keeps me focused, disciplined and gives some time for reflection. Chores do the same thing, milking the cows. Makes me happy. My grandmother is the one who taught me many years ago, quilting, gardening and choring. I've made so many I can't even guess, but many. Most of them given away to homes I don't know where. Hope they bring warmth, joy and comfort to those they've gone to. And I hope I have a few more in me before my eyes get weak. It's been a pass time when things got rough, through cold winters, hot summers, quiet autumns, and very wet springs. :)
CloversMum Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 11:16:21 AM
It's lovely to see how the same pattern can be made to look completely different based on your fabric choices. You have a beautiful eye for quilt creations. When I was younger, my grandma taught me how to quilt and I really enjoyed it. Maybe when life settles down and more kids are grown I'll be able to pick it back up again. I did make baby quilts for each of my babies but that's where it stopped. This is an inspiration for me!
Ron Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 08:45:28 AM
Sure nice to hear you in good spirits...
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 08:18:11 AM
Making up for the dull head for days.
Ron Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 08:09:20 AM
Now your a real comedian this morning...:)
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 06:56:48 AM
It's "pieceful" work. Thank you.
Ron Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 06:39:08 AM
That is beautiful them things..
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 06:35:29 AM
Me too. They can be tedious little things, but it makes for a cool looking quilt. This top is finished and ready for the quilt rack. Several blocks with saw tooth in them.I guess I will try and work on piecing or quilt today, seeing how it's duck weather. Put on "Milk Cow Blues" sung by George Strait. Lol
Ron Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 06:04:02 AM
Elaine says it lovely..she got a thing about saw tooth.
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 11 2015 : 04:13:15 AM
Thank you. If done with contrasting fabric like it should be then you see the sawtooth quilt blocks more plainly. But I was using up some scraps I have left over and put to use. Could use any large quilt block and if you add a thermal layer you could even use as pot holders. Add a loop and wha-la.
CloversMum Posted - Jun 10 2015 : 7:57:26 PM
Great use of fabric scraps! And, its darling as well. Again, well done, Janet!
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 6:14:48 PM
That's for sure, and I don't plan on moving. Always something to do. Never gets monotonous or boring. Sometimes the cows get out. Lol.
Ron Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 6:12:08 PM
No problem keeping busy on the farm!
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 5:52:22 PM
It's been good for me. When I sew I have to focus and that takes my mind off pain. Keeping busy is my treatment of choice. ;)
Ron Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 5:31:30 PM
Elaine just wishes She could sew again......anything.
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 5:04:02 PM
Not the best choice of fabric combinations because I'm using what I have left over. But they do make nice squares for hot dishes placed on the table.
Ron Posted - Jun 09 2015 : 4:45:48 PM