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 Script gets cut off to the right side of post

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NellieBelle Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 08:06:02 AM
I am having trouble reading the posts, as the script is cut off so that I can't read it on the right hand side. I've tried to see if it's something I can correct on my end but I haven't found anything that does. Do you have any suggestions?
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webmaster Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 6:25:25 PM
I have made some changes to address the problem.
It was caused by pasting into posts extremely long "words" (i.e. URLs for links to other pages).

They should wrap to the next line now, rather than forcing the page to lengthen to the right.
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 6:20:20 PM
Thank you so much, things are looking normal. I can read right hand side now. All script is in the chat box.
webmaster Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 4:37:38 PM
I'm looking into this...

I see the cause of it, and am looking into what I need to change so the chatroom pages won't allow such things to affect their layout anymore.
CloversMum Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 08:43:31 AM
I am seeing the same thing and just thought it was I'm glad to know I have company. Thanks for looking into it, MaryJane.
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 08:26:42 AM
What I know about computers and how to fix problems you could put in a thimble, even smaller. Thank you MaryJane. Appreciate it.
Ron Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 08:13:28 AM
Been happening here too but I refresh and it seems to go away.
maryjane Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 08:09:43 AM
I'm seeing the same thing. It's on the top of Gabe's list when he gets in today at 3 pm. We're PST, so it will be this evening for you Janet before you see/know a fix. Apologies!