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 reset password

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chives Posted - Nov 07 2014 : 8:08:44 PM
Hi, I'm not sure what is happening, but I have to reset my password every time I try to log on. It has been going on for 5 days now. Would to take a look. You can wait till after the weekend. Thank you Vicki
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Dec 13 2017 : 10:27:46 AM
Make sure you write down your password this time:)
HeritageJersey Posted - Dec 13 2017 : 10:25:05 AM

The "my account" function is in the drop down menu that will appear when you hover over the silhouette of a person in the top right corner of the website.

You can also reset your password, by selecting the "forgot my password" button on the login screen.

Enter your username, then answer the security question that you set up during your account set up. This should then send you an email with a link to reset your password.

Give this a shot and let us know if you're still having trouble.

hugho Posted - Dec 13 2017 : 09:27:07 AM
I'm having the same problem. can't find out where to make my own password. how to find "my account"?
webmaster Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 8:14:18 PM
Hmm... next step.
chives Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 7:56:16 PM
It still didn't work. My computer doesn't like cows. lol Vicki
webmaster Posted - Nov 10 2014 : 7:32:30 PM
I just sent you an email via the chatroom with some instructions on what to try out, chives.
chives Posted - Nov 08 2014 : 6:34:48 PM
It says its not the correct password. So I get a new password. It doesn't seem to remember it.
webmaster Posted - Nov 07 2014 : 8:22:27 PM
I'm sorry the login seems to be giving you trouble, chives.

What is indicating to you that you have to change your password every time?
Or is it that you try logging in, and it doesn't ever seem to log in successfully with the most recent password, so you change the password again?