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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - May 08 2024 : 3:53:56 PM
Some of my cow gals are relaxing on this gorgeous day. We've had everything from clouds, sun, rain, rainbows, wind, but pleasant. . Nellie to the left, Millie in the middle, and Estella and Darla laying down. Iva Mae and Little Bess are over with the steers.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - May 12 2024 : 10:39:22 AM
Don't you just love little surprises like that? Momma Mallard duck with eggs, hidden out of sight waiting for her brood to hatch. Pleasantries like that are what bring a smile. I enjoy watching the Bobolinks. They fly back and forth to their nests and have a pleasant sound. And alone in the pasture with just the birds and prairie plants is so relaxing. They will be making their nests now and I will be making frequent trips down there to observe them. My chimney swifts are back and using the tower again. Had so much success last year, I was thrilled. Drying up Darla, so won't have milk again until August if that's what I decide to do. I'll have to order that book you mentioned MaryJane. Thank you for the info.
maryjane Posted - May 11 2024 : 8:11:00 PM
Gosh, I wish we had Fringed Puccoon. What a pretty bloom and such frilly edges. And such a happy yellow like a daffodil.

I'd never heard of a Bobolink bird so I looked them up. They make the longest migration of any North America songbird, traveling 12,500 miles every year to South America. This is the male:

Who wouldn't want to safeguard their pretty eggs!

Yesterday, I was startled when a mama Mallard flew off her nest right where I was walking next to one of my B&B trailers, quite a ways from my pond where the Mrs. and Mr. have been hanging out. It's not a great spot for a nest but I'll make sure everyone knows about it.

Here's a cute kids' book about a mama duck and her ducklings.

Based on the heartwarming, true story of a mother duck that hatched her ducklings on the side of a downtown office building in Spokane, Washington. A friend helped rescue the ducklings as they began to fall to the sidewalk below. With his help, the mother and her ducklings then traveled through the middle of a downtown parade to reach the river a few blocks away. Written by Spokane local, Richard Repp, with illustrations by Repp, his mother, and his daughter. This hometown, feel-good story is brought to life through Repp's storytelling and his family's collaborative illustrations.
NellieBelle Posted - May 10 2024 : 03:46:36 AM
Good morning MaryJane! Pictured is a prairie plant called Fringed Puccoon. I have it growing in our pasture. I went down there to watch the Bobolinks, a bird that is becoming of concern as you don't see them that much anymore. I won't let them cut the pasture for hay until end of July to early August to protect their nests. I know what you mean about looking down memory lane. I see some of the pictures here on this site and it seems ions ago. Hoping our weather evens out a bit. Have had quite a bit of rain of late and dangerous storms. Tornados have done so much damage. Thankfully not here. Hope your weather improves soon too. Nice to touch base. Keep wondering how other members and their cow families are doing. Take care.
maryjane Posted - May 09 2024 : 5:36:28 PM
Such a sweet scene Janet! Scenes like yours are such happy moments. When all is right with your cows, the whole world seems right.

About a hour ago, I was trying to find a photo I'd taken a few years ago of some sun shades I'd installed over my B&B family pavilion (I spent the afternoon turning the water on to all my B&B venues) and couldn't remember how I'd configured them.

Well now, didn't I get sidetracked looking at cow photos. I spent another half hour once I decided to just enjoy my cow photos and take a walk down memory lane. Today is the first nice weather we've had in a long time. Sounds like you've had the same thing with today finally being gorgeous.