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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Dec 30 2021 : 11:07:07 AM
We've had lovely winter weather the last couple of weeks with plenty of snow to help make up for summer's "severe drought" (according to those in the know). Right now it's cold and headed colder, below zero tomorrow night. The cows are getting extra straw bedding to help insulate their udders.

Jasper still follows me wherever I go, even on very long winter walks. He follows behind me hopping into the depressions where I leave footprints.

We've had lots of moose roaming around the farm. They don't scare at all, just stand and look at you. We had one during the rutting season charge a farmhand who could tell at some point that Mr. Moose wasn't going to stop coming towards her so she ran behind a shed. He proceeded to trash her wheelbarrow with his feet, breaking the wood sides and bending the metal on it. Yikes. The moose in this photo has what appears to be a deformed set of antlers--probably an outcast which is why he has adopted us.

My orchard in the distance, all pruned and ready for hibernation.

Unlike our moose visitors, we had a herd of about 100 elk move through on their way to the canyon lands for the winter, where it's warmer, but they easily scare off. After counting to 90 while eyeing a bunch right behind our farm (we could smell them they were so close), I gave up counting.

Here's a pic with a few elk I did happen to capture with my camera. Beautiful animals.

I hope your yule was good and all is well with you and yours as we head into 2022.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 10 2022 : 02:03:02 AM
Good morning! We are suppose to warm up this week for a couple of days. It will be a nice break from the cold, although it hasn't been that bad. Hardly any snow to speak of and we could sure use the moisture. But you take what you get and make the best of it. I'm like Jasper, I love to sit in the sun on the cooler days just soaking it up. Mmmmm. Plants, plants, and more plants as I plan for the living wall. I believe we will be making our own frame to surround pockets. It's a work in progress and until we have it up there are plants literally everywhere, which I love. Probably go for more plants this week. Waiting for spring and all that it brings.
maryjane Posted - Jan 09 2022 : 5:22:20 PM
Well, after getting a foot and half of snow and minus 8 temps, it warmed up almost instantly and rained. We lost a couple of shed roofs and two chimney's to the weight and thrust of the wet snow, nothing major though.

The day it rained, Jasper stayed comfy on the hay until 3 in the afternoon "helping" change the bedding in the girls' bedroom.

Sunny and gorgeous the last couple of days but it's murder to walk anywhere, solid ice wherever you go.

NellieBelle Posted - Jan 01 2022 : 11:03:22 AM
Same thing here MaryJane. 1 degree for high. We are in a winter storm warning. It's snowing and blowing, and yes, cold. I have the wood stove going and I'm canning some beef stew. Just as well do something inside as it's just too unpleasant outside. At least the sunshine in your picture looks welcoming. So pretty.
maryjane Posted - Jan 01 2022 : 08:28:54 AM
2022 arrived with a snap, crackle, drop. It's minus 8 this morning, but couldn't be more beautiful. I'm going to print this photo for when it's 100+ degrees here next summer.

My girls are warm enough it seems. They've moved from their bedroom where they were snug as bugs in deep straw, eaten their breakfast, and are standing in the sun right now.
maryjane Posted - Dec 30 2021 : 5:44:40 PM
Your greenhouse looks absolutely fabulous Janet. What a respite during the winter months. Someday I'll have to ask you about the kind of greenhouse you bought and heat (floor coils, right?) so I can follow suit. My greenhouse goes dormant in the winter and I miss it terribly, especially when I see yours!

And that dessert. Wow. Happy Anniversary Janet and Joe!!!!! Cauliflower casserole sounds good.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 30 2021 : 1:36:53 PM
What beautiful wintry scenes. And the abundant wildlife. Even little Jasper braving the snow. No snow here, but the cold has arrived. Sat. is to be a high of 5 degrees. Not looking forward to that. We could use the moisture too. Greenhouse is full of greens, and new tomatoes coming on. I put my geraniums and some of my herbs in there this fall too. Nice to see green. Today is Joe and my 30 year anniversary. I asked him what desert he would like for evening meal and he said Creme Brûlée, so I made White Chocolate/Raspberry Creme Brûlée, and for main meal Pepper steak and Cauliflower casserole. But for now, I need to bundle up and go get the milking and collect eggs and chore, get everything done before Joe gets home from work. Let's see what 2022 has in store.