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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Dec 15 2021 : 08:53:23 AM
It's that time of year again and our weather didn't disappoint. Snowy, sunny, and gorgeous, just in time for holiday festivities.

Yesterday, we were pleased to have an elk visitation (not quite reindeer, but...) On the first little hilltop yesterday up from our millhouse, I counted more than 80 elk bedded down. They were close enough I could smell their musky scent.

Our short-grass prairie is all tucked in for the winter.

So is our B&B.

Orchard and cows.

Thank you to Mr. Sun for shining so bright today.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 19 2021 : 06:46:54 AM
. May everyone have a safe and lovely week!
maryjane Posted - Dec 16 2021 : 11:52:50 AM
That's always so strange the way the wind hand selects one house but not the house next to it. Your damage looks like a fair amount of work but at least, like you say, it could have been worse and not at all like losing your house. Let's hope for smooth sailing ahead.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 16 2021 : 07:19:40 AM
Two homes destroyed in town. So sad. We just had tree damage from what we can see today. Our lights came on this morning at 8:00. I was up at 3:00 so kept the wood stove stoked. Was able to make my coffee and breakfast. Just started to milk Darla by hand and the lights came on. I told Joe it couldn't have happened at a better time. Thankful I could use the little milk machine. I can see what we will be doing this weekend and probably a few more also. Just thankful the animals all came through it fine as did we. Large standing pine twisted and broke in grove. Sad but could have been worse. Sun is shining, 27 degrees and ready to get this day going.
maryjane Posted - Dec 16 2021 : 06:45:31 AM
That's a huge relief to hear Janet. Thank you for the update. Hopefully, all goes well today and you don't see too much damage.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 15 2021 : 7:56:31 PM
Hoping the worst is behind us. Tornado went through just a half mile west and another east. We are fine, without electric for a few hours, downed tree and large branches but we are fine and can't really see much in the dark so will look things over tomorrow. Wind is till quite strong and will be much of the night according to the forecasters. Some of our neighbors were hit, and a couple houses in town were hit. We are so thankful. Things could have been much worse.
maryjane Posted - Dec 15 2021 : 1:46:06 PM
Wow, those are strong winds. 100 mph can't help but do damage. I will start watching the news to see how you fare. Let's hope it's an anxious scare and nothing more. Dang.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 15 2021 : 1:03:05 PM
Such pretty pictures of your place. Peaceful. No snow here. 71 degrees and we are in for a rude awakening I'm afraid. The winds are strong already 50+ and only to get stronger with possibility of 100 mph. Severe wind, damaging thunderstorms and tornado threats. Hoping it won't transpire, but just in case I made some preparations. I have one large window that is already creaking under the wind gusts. I moved everything that was in front of the window completely away. Took some needed items to the basement so if something bad does develop I won't have to rush at the last moment. I did a walk about around the farm and picked up anything that could blow away. So it's a wait and see afternoon and night. Other than the weather, all is good.