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T O P I C    R E V I E W
laurelhaven Posted - Jan 16 2021 : 1:01:37 PM

Hello everyone! Its been some lovely winter weather here in Ohio the last few days and according to the radar more snow to come!!
How is everyone? We had a great Christmas and New Year! Hope everybody has a happy and healthy 2021.
In February we are planning a week long vacation to Florida! We are all super exited. Its gonna be hard to leave though as our dog id due to have puppies while we are gone, we will 20+ chicks, and our beef herd will be in the start of calving.
Thankfully though we have great neighbors who are willing to take care of everything while we are gone and have raise Border Collies themselves so theres no that much to be worried about!
Well I think Ive about written enough now....Happy New Year!!



~Alice K.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GingerBKelly Posted - Feb 07 2021 : 5:21:36 PM
This is such a beautiful post. Good to see ya'll.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 19 2021 : 04:23:38 AM
Love the pictures of your Jersey Bridget, and other farm animals. Have a wonderful vacation!
laurelhaven Posted - Jan 17 2021 : 4:40:32 PM
Same here! Its been awhile since Ive been on an actual vacation so I'm really looking forward to it!
maryjane Posted - Jan 17 2021 : 09:01:56 AM
Won't Florida be a change from what's in your photos! It's never easy to leave adorable, sweet animals but once you're down the road, that much-needed respite you didn't really know how much you needed will kick in and you'll come back ready to go again. Safe travels and enjoy!

Such a pretty cat and soft black velvet-faced Jersey!