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 For sale or trade, Mini Jersey bull HJO Registered

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Andreafmahorney Posted - Jan 02 2018 : 09:56:00 AM
HJO55 Buddy offered for sale. Great Herd bull miniature in stature. 44" at the shoulders,42 at the hook coming 4 this spring.
He has 0 issues covering standards and nicely brings down the size and throws a bit of color too.
He has a good bone and frame a little long in the hoof though.
A1-A1 Heterozygous Polled.
Johnes, Trich, TB free. He has been a range bull. He loves a grain bucket and his head and neck scratched.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Andreafmahorney Posted - Jan 06 2018 : 10:46:32 PM
Thank you Maryjane. I hope to find him the right home one that has ladies for him to cover and will care for him right
maryjane Posted - Jan 02 2018 : 11:23:42 AM
Beautiful bull Andrea! Just this week, I was once again reminded of how easy it is to get your girls pregnant when there's a bull on the premises.

I'm sure where you're located and who his parents are would be greatly appreciated to anyone interested.