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 Bulls and Semen FOR SALE (or barter or swap)
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kadebg1988 Posted - Jul 11 2016 : 11:18:56 PM
Making plans to get this boy collected for others to utilize!

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
txbikergirl Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 3:46:47 PM
he is very impressive kade. thanks for sharing.
kadebg1988 Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 12:47:38 PM
Currently 42" at the withers with an A1/A1 beta casein.
GingerBKelly Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 10:48:37 AM
I may want to utilize this fine fellow. What are his measurements and what is his Beta Casein Genotype, do you know?