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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kadebg1988 Posted - Jun 04 2016 : 07:35:27 AM
Cassidy is now our one and only mature bull on the property and I would have to say he deserved that title long before now, what a guy.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Reverence Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 6:13:11 PM
I was looking for the bull, but I was very distracted by those majestic mountains! Oh, and there's the bull. He's majestic, too!
txbikergirl Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 5:07:26 PM
beautiful bull, and beautiful scenery kade.
maryjane Posted - Jun 04 2016 : 7:40:12 PM
He looks great!