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 Cupid, a real looker

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kadebg1988 Posted - Jun 04 2016 : 07:33:40 AM
Well i was out with the camera this fine morning and figured I'd get some updated pictures of Valentines little boy Cupid, this guy just screams I'M A BULL!!!!

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kadebg1988 Posted - Jul 11 2016 : 11:16:48 PM

GingerBKelly Posted - Jul 11 2016 : 10:17:34 AM
Awwww......I love your bull, Kade, and your poem to match. Both are extraordinary!
CloversMum Posted - Jun 27 2016 : 9:08:57 PM
Beautifully written words to match a very handsome young bull ...
kadebg1988 Posted - Jun 27 2016 : 8:30:30 PM

Just keeps getting better!
txbikergirl Posted - Jun 15 2016 : 5:06:03 PM
thats beautiful kade, thanks for sharing. and i can't help it, i just want to hug cupid.
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 15 2016 : 10:30:53 AM
What a good looking fellow and a nice ditty to share with us all. Makes the afternoon a bit more welcoming for certain. Thank you Kade!
maryjane Posted - Jun 15 2016 : 05:48:42 AM
Great cadence Kade. You nailed it. Thank you for a lovely poem about the essential nature of the guys in my life.
kadebg1988 Posted - Jun 14 2016 : 9:42:57 PM

Growing up I would write poetry in my free time, nothing Shakespearean but just little ditties I would file away. Some were later published but I fell away from it as life came full circle for me. Last night I was so in awe of my bulls that I wrote out this little piece and wanted to share with the rest of you cattle lovers.

"The Bull"

"His eye is sharp, his coat is slick and his build is chiseled stone, he stands with solid footing on a hillside all alone.

A herd of cows in a meadow below walk slowly and calmly graze, moving without a worry, under their Patriarchs watchful gaze.

The herd bull is a noble beast with a job to protect and breed, all he requires is fresh clean water and his daily intake of feed.

As time goes on and days pass by his job will soon be complete, providing daughters for the farmers milk and many large steers to eat.

So the next time you drink a glass or cut into a steak, thank a farmer and a bull, such a life for each other they each help make."

By Kade Bartlett
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 7:21:34 PM
Whether you keep him or sell him, he is a nice looking fellow. As are all you herd. Nice work Kade!
kadebg1988 Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 6:08:47 PM
Thank you everyone, I'm most likely going to have to offer this boy for sale, but who knows, I've really enjoyed owning just one bull but one always has to keep in mind having some sort of insurance policy. He's just a dandy though.
txbikergirl Posted - Jun 05 2016 : 12:28:36 PM
maryjane Posted - Jun 04 2016 : 7:40:45 PM
Are you going to use him for breeding?